Users can start recording their track once they fulfill the requirements to start the tracking have a car (sensor) selected, connected to OBD-II adapter, have location services turned on.
When the recording is stopped, the user can give a custom name to the track recording and save the track.
Tracklist Screen
Uploaded Track List
The uploaded tracklist displays the remote tracks of the currently signed-in user.
Local Track List
The local tracklist displays the local tracks of the user.
No Tracks
The widget is displayed when there are no uploaded tracks and no local tracks respectively.
Track deletion and upload tracks to the server
The snack bar message is displayed when a particular track is uploaded to the server and a specific track is deleted from the local database respectively.
Track Details Screen
The track details screen displays a map widget and shows details about the track.
Alert Dialog to notify that GPS tracking cannot be started
The alert dialog is displayed when GPS tracking does not start as a consequence of not fulfilling the requirements to start recording.
Dark Mode Updates
Scanning and connecting to nearby Bluetooth devices
Added functions to communicate with the connected Bluetooth device
Added GPS tracking
Added functionality to pause the recording
Added notification service to notify the user as the tracking starts
Added model to store the track locally
Added functions to delete and add the track to the database
Added function to convert the track data to CSV (for local tracks only)
Added map widget on the track details card and track details screen
Added functionality to upload the track data to the server as "open data"
Added widget to indicate the location and connection with Bluetooth status during the track
Added alert dialog to display "GPS tracking cannot be started"
Added widget to provide the functionality to set a custom track name
Added function to fetch track by id from the server
Modified the function to fetch the remote tracks of the currently signed-in users only
Modified the theme data for more compatible styling in dark mode as well
GPS Tracking
Users can start recording their track once they fulfill the requirements to start the tracking
have a car (sensor) selected, connected to OBD-II adapter, have location services turned on.
Pausing GPS tracking
The recording is paused as the user taps on the pause button on the GPS tracking screen, and tracking resumes by tapping the same button.
Location turned off Indicator widget
When location is turned off during tracking this widget is show on the GPS tracking screen.
Not connected to OBD-II adapter widget Indicator widget
When the device is not connected to OBD-II adapter during the track the following widget is displayed.
Location turned off and Not connected to OBD-II adapter widget Indicator widget
When the device is not connected to OBD-II adapter during the track the following widget is displayed.
Edit Track Name and Save Track
When the recording is stopped, the user can give a custom name to the track recording and save the track.
Tracklist Screen
Uploaded Track List
The uploaded tracklist displays the remote tracks of the currently signed-in user.
Local Track List
The local tracklist displays the local tracks of the user.
No Tracks
The widget is displayed when there are no uploaded tracks and no local tracks respectively.
Track deletion and upload tracks to the server
The snack bar message is displayed when a particular track is uploaded to the server and a specific track is deleted from the local database respectively.
Track Details Screen
The track details screen displays a map widget and shows details about the track.
Alert Dialog to notify that GPS tracking cannot be started
The alert dialog is displayed when GPS tracking does not start as a consequence of not fulfilling the requirements to start recording.
Dark Mode Updates