enviroCar / enviroCar-Cross-Platform-App

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enviroCar Cross-Platform App


enviroCar is a citizen science community that collects, shares, and analyzes floating car data for traffic management and the environment. It analyzes the open data and estimates the track count, average speed, relative speed, CO2 emission, fuel consumption, and hotspot analysis.

enviroCar is an android application that provides features like:

The project aims to build a cross-platform application so that the enviroCar app is available to iOS users as well since only two-thirds of people can use the application as of now.

How To Use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Flutter installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/enviroCar/enviroCar-Cross-Platform-App.git

# Go into the repository
$ cd enviroCar-Cross-Platform-App

# Install dependencies
$ flutter pub get

# Run the app
$ flutter run

Key Technologies

Key Features

  1. Login and Signup with enviroCar credentials
  2. Create and store cars in local DB
  3. Create and store fueling logs in local DB and enviroCar server
  4. Switch between Dark and Light themes
  5. See your uploaded tracks and analyze their data graphically

For communicating with the Bluetooth device, flutter_blue package is used.

API Reference

See envirocar.github.io/enviroCar-server.

The documentation is a GitHub page and managed in the branch gh-pages, see

Data Flow Diagram

Link to the diagram

Data Management Diagram

Link to the diagram

Folder Structure

Link to the diagram

Dashboard Screen Tracks Screen Track Details Screen
Graphs Screen Settings Screen Profile Screen
Log Book Screen Create Log Screen Report Issue Screen
Car Screen Create Car Screen Help Screen