Around the U.S.
This is full-stack application using Microsoft Azure to always have the server running.
Front End
- Popup modals for
- Updating user info
- Adding new cards
- Deleting cards (user's own cards only)
- Liking/unliking cards
- User authentication
Back End
- Routes for the user
- Registration and login
- Updating user information and profile picture
- Routes for the Cards - only if user is AUTHORIZED
- Creating new cards
- like and dislike cards,
- It authenticates user using JWT
- Mongo models for users and cards
- Validation and error handling in case something goes wrong
The front-end is deployed here.
If you want to run the app clone the repo and create your own .env variable as JWT_SECRET = ""
Navigate to each folder, backend/frontend and run yarn to install dependecies and yarn start