eocis-chuk / chuk-api

Python API for working with CHUK datasets
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Python API for working with CHUK datasets built on (xarray)[https://xarray.dev/]

CHUK datasets provide Earth Observation-derived climate data and relevant auxilary data for the UK at 100m resolution, developed for the (EOCIS Project)[https://eocis.org]

The file format for storing CHUK data is NetCDF4.



This package depends on rioxarray:

conda create -n chuk_api_env python=3.10
conda activate chuk_api_env
conda install -c conda-forge rioxarray
conda install -c conda-forge netcdf4
conda install -c conda-forge requests

Clone this repo and run:

pip install .

Download CHUK grid reference file (latest version is v1.0):

wget https://gws-access.jasmin.ac.uk/public/nceo_uor/eocis-chuk/EOCIS-CHUK-GRID-100M-v1.0.nc

Links to Resources

CHUK data files will be available from:


Full API documentation:



Create a CHUK dataset

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from eocis_chuk_api import CHUKDataSetUtils
utils = CHUKDataSetUtils("EOCIS-CHUK-GRID-100M-v1.0.nc") # downloaded as described above
chuk_ds = utils.create_new_dataset(
     title="My CHUK dataset",
     institution = "EOCIS CHUK",
     version = "1.0",
     convention = "CF-1.10",
     summary = "Shows estimates of the squirrel population in each CHUK grid cell",
     license = "Creative Commons Licence by attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)",
     history = "Developed from the squirrel population dataset",
     comment = "This is a made up example",
     creator_url = "https:///www.example.com",
     creator_name = "Institute of Biological Studies")
# create an array to hold the data
population_data = np.zeros(utils.get_grid_shape())
# populate the data

# attach the data
chuk_ds["squirrel_population"] = xr.DataArray(population_data,dims=("y","x"), attrs={
   "coordinates": "lat lon",
   "grid_mapping": "crsOSGB"

# save the dataset
utils.save(chuk_ds, "EOCIS-CHUK-L4-SQUIRRELPOP-MERGED-20231204-v0.1.nc")

Export a CHUK variable from a NetCDF4 dataset to geotiff

from eocis_chuk_api import CHUKDataSetUtils

utils = CHUKDataSetUtils("EOCIS-CHUK-GRID-100M-v1.0.nc") # downloaded as described above
ds = utils.load("EOCIS-CHUK-L4-SQUIRRELPOP-MERGED-20231204-v0.1.nc")
utils.save_as_geotif(ds, "squirrel_population", "EOCIS-CHUK-L4-SQUIRRELPOP-MERGED-20231204-v0.1.TIF")

Check a dataset against the reference grid

from eocis_chuk_api import CHUKDataSetUtils

utils = CHUKDataSetUtils("EOCIS-CHUK-GRID-100M-v1.0.nc") # downloaded as described above
ds = utils.load("EOCIS-CHUK-SQUIRRELPOPULATION-100M-v0.1.nc")
(warnings, errors) = utils.check(ds)

Create a boolean mask from a CHUK Auxilary file

from eocis_chuk_api import CHUKAuxilaryUtils

# build a mask with all pixels containing power lines or substations, whatever the voltage
substation_mask = CHUKAuxilaryUtils.create_mask("d1.11-power.nc", "powerline", mask_values="*kV")
powerline_mask = CHUKAuxilaryUtils.create_mask("d1.11-power.nc", "powerline", mask_values="*kV")
combined_mask = CHUKAuxilaryUtils.combine_masks_or(powerline_mask, substation_mask)
bool_array = combined_mask.to_array()