eoscanada / nodeos-cloudbuild

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Deepmind Performance Analysis #15

Open jubeless opened 4 years ago

jubeless commented 4 years ago

We ran a reprocessing of eos-mainnet from block: 111,172,000 to 111,188,000, knowing the "problem area" is around block 111,172,500.

Test 1: Mindreader without deepmind (DM)(disabled it in config.ini) image: gcr.io/eoscanada-shared-services/eos-mindreader:v2.0.1-dm-v10.4-712cf00-98a6fc0 This is our baseline test

Test 2: Mindreader with deepmind (DM) enabled & no console reader (CR) using a custom manageos branch image: eos-mindreader:v2.0.3-dm-base-ubuntu-18.04-a8059ea This is a unique scenario to understand the impact deepmind (DM) in isolation (not running a console reader)

Test 3: Mindreader with deepmind (DM) enabled & console reader (CR) enabled image: gcr.io/eoscanada-shared-services/eos-mindreader:v2.0.1-dm-v10.4-712cf00-98a6fc0 This is a reproduction of production environement.

Test 4: Mindreader with deepmind (DM), no ABI serializer no out image: gcr.io/eoscanada-shared-services/eos-mindreader:v2.0.3-dm-no-json-data-ubuntu-18.04-a8059ea

Test 5: Mindreader with deepmind (DM), no ABI seri & out in hex, with EOS binary encd image: gcr.io/eoscanada-shared-services/eos-mindreader:v2.0.3-dm-pack-with-hex-output-ubuntu-18.04-a8059ea

Test 6: Mindreader with deepmind (DM), EOS binary encoding but no output image: gcr.io/eoscanada-shared-services/eos-mindreader:v2.0.3-dm-pack-no-output-ubuntu-18.04-a8059ea

Test 7: Mindreader with deepmind (DM), ABI serializer no output image: gcr.io/eoscanada-shared-services/eos-mindreader:v2.0.3-dm-no-json-data-with-computation-ubuntu-18.04-a8059ea

General Conclusion:

Reproc YAMLS:


abourget commented 4 years ago


More research:

abourget commented 4 years ago

Backup nodes shown heavy transactions dropped, while mindreaders didn't.


abourget commented 4 years ago

Analysis of the prometheus graph reveals that:

image image


Next time we can:

maoueh commented 4 years ago

Some reproduction steps:

jubeless commented 4 years ago

Updated Experiment results: image

data: mindreader-analysis.xlsx