eoscanada / nodeos-cloudbuild

Tools to build Nodeos
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Build environments and images

This is the location where build scripts for EOSIO related tools are kept.

To launch the build, simply push your work to the a remote build/<...> branch. Our Google Cloudbuild project is notified when a push on a build/<...> branch is detected, effectively building the given project.

Actual branches (re-run to see actual values):

$ git branch -r | grep build/ | sed s'/origin\///'g

List the available build envs:

gcloud container images list-tags gcr.io/eoscanada-shared-services/eosio-buildenv

Boot one locally:

docker run --name eos-buildenv -ti -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` gcr.io/eoscanada-shared-services/eosio-buildenv:v2.0.0 /bin/bash

Updating EOSIO version

Let's assuming you want to update EOSIO vanilla version to v2.0.3 and the Deep Mind version to v2.0.3-dm-v10.4.

  1. Open ./cloudbuild-eos-vanilla.yaml

  2. Change _TAG: vX to _TAG: v2.0.3

  3. Open ./cloudbuild-eos-dm.yaml

  4. Change _TAG: vX to _TAG: v2.0.3-dm-v10.4

  5. Change _BRANCH: vX to _BRANCH: v2.0.3-dm-v10.4

Commit those changes on master. Than simply push master to build/eos-vanilla and build/eos-dm respectively to launch the builds:

git push origin -f master:build/eos-vanilla master:build/eos-dm

Warning We perform a force-push which is correct for build/<branch> since they are used only for trigger purposes. Don't add a plain master branch here!