epam / edp-keycloak-operator

It is responsible for establishing a connection to provided Keycloak Server, reconciling realms, and clients according to the created CRs
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Keycloak Operator

:heavy_exclamation_mark: Please refer to KubeRocketCI documentation to get the main concepts and guidelines.

Get acquainted with the Keycloak Operator, the installation process, the quick start, and the local development guidelines.


Keycloak Operator is a KubeRocketCI operator responsible for configuring existing Keycloak instances. The operator runs both on OpenShift and Kubernetes.

NOTE: Operator is platform-independent, which is why there is a unified instruction for deployment.


  1. Linux machine or Windows Subsystem for Linux instance with Helm 3 installed;
  2. Cluster admin access to the cluster;

Installation Using Helm Chart

To install the Keycloak Operator, follow the steps below:

  1. To add the Helm EPAMEDP Charts for a local client, run "helm repo add":

     helm repo add epamedp https://epam.github.io/edp-helm-charts/stable
  2. Choose the available Helm chart version:

     helm search repo epamedp/keycloak-operator -l
     NAME                           CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION
     epamedp/keycloak-operator      1.22.0          1.22.0          A Helm chart for KRCI Keycloak Operator

    NOTE: It is highly recommended to use the latest stable version.

  3. Full chart parameters available in deploy-templates/README.md.

  4. Install the operator in the namespace with the helm command; find below the installation command example:

    helm install keycloak-operator epamedp/keycloak-operator --version <chart_version> --namespace <edp-project> --set name=keycloak-operator
  5. Check the namespace containing Deployment with your operator in running status.

Quick Start

  1. Create a User in the Keycloak Master realm, and assign a create-realm role.

  2. Insert newly created user credentials into Kubernetes secret:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name:  keycloak-access
    type: Opaque
      username: dXNlcg==   # base64-encoded value of "user"
      password: cGFzcw==   # base64-encoded value of "pass"
  3. Create Custom Resource kind: Keycloak with Keycloak instance URL and secret created on the previous step:

    apiVersion: v1.edp.epam.com/v1
    kind: Keycloak
      name: keycloak-sample
      secret: keycloak-access             # Secret name
      url: https://keycloak.example.com   # Keycloak URL

    Wait for the .status field with status.connected: true

  4. Create Keycloak realm and group using Custom Resources:

    apiVersion: v1.edp.epam.com/v1
    kind: KeycloakRealm
    name: keycloakrealm-sample
    realmName: realm-sample
      name: keycloak-sample
      kind: Keycloak
    apiVersion: v1.edp.epam.com/v1
    kind: KeycloakRealmGroup
      name: argocd-admins
      name: ArgoCDAdmins
        name: keycloakrealm-sample
        kind: KeycloakRealm

    Inspect available custom resource and CR templates folder for more examples.

Preventing the operator from deleting resources

To prevent the operator from deleting resources from Keycloak, add the edp.epam.com/preserve-resources-on-deletion: "true" annotation to the resource.

   apiVersion: v1.edp.epam.com/v1
   kind: KeycloakRealm
    name: keycloakrealm-sample
      edp.epam.com/preserve-resources-on-deletion: "true"
    realmName: realm-sample
       name: keycloak-sample
       kind: Keycloak

Local Development

To develop the operator, first set up a local environment, and refer to the Local Development page.

Development versions are also available from the snapshot Helm Chart repository page.

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