epam / openvasp-java-client

A reference implementation for a JAVA client for the OpenVASP standard. Not yet compatible with the current OpenVASP protocol version.
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OpenVASP Java Client

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Determine tests coverage Where does the VASP.abi come from?

This is a reference implementation of a Java client for the OpenVASP standard.

Standardization is the process of implementing and developing technical standards based on the consensus of different parties that include firms, users, interest groups, standards organizations and governments.

  • Wikipedia

What is OpenVASP?

VASP stands for Virtual Asset Service Provider. OpenVASP is an open protocol to implement FATF's travel rule for virtual assets.

The protocol facilitates robust compliance for VASPs, solely based on a set of principles, regardless of jurisdiction or virtual asset and without membership or registration with a centralized third-party.

Old Whitepaper | Read more →

The current implementation only includes the Whitepaper specs. OVIPs (OpenVASP Improvement Proposals) are currently not implemented, but they are in the roadmap. The OVIPs were under heavy changes since the inception of the Whitepaper. OVIPs were created at the end of current implementation.

Client exists as an initial working implementation (packaged as a .NET library). The openvasp-csharp-client repo is heavily outdated https://github.com/OpenVASP/openvasp-csharp-client

Reference architecture

Reference architecture

Protocol Stack

Main Components

Getting started

This is a Maven project that can be easily reused.

How to build

mvn compile

Compiled classes and generated source code will be under the target/ folder.

The Client uses the web3j plugin to generate a Java stub to invoke the Smart Contracts. The ABI (Application Binary Interface) of the contracts is located in:


And the generated stub is generated in


For more information on stub generation for smart contracts see http://docs.web3j.io/latest/command_line_tools/#generated-javakotlin-project-structure


As a Maven project, just run

mvn test

Local deployment

Originator/Beneficiary roles provided by java-host.

Ethereum server/geth (Golang) needed to provide Whisper & Smart Contracts.

Encryption in Java

Use of https://downloads.bouncycastle.org/fips-java/BC-FJA-UserGuide-1.0.2.pdf The dependency tree contains this dependency as part of web3j.

mvn dependency:tree
[INFO] +- org.web3j:core:jar:4.5.18:compile
[INFO] |  +- org.web3j:abi:jar:4.5.18:compile
[INFO] |  |  \- org.web3j:utils:jar:4.5.18:compile
[INFO] |  |     \- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:jar:1.65:compile <<--


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This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License (see the file LICENSE).