epay-technology / woocommerce-payment-module

ePay WooCommerce Payment Module
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=== ePay Payment Solutions=== Contributors: ePay Payment Solutions Tags: woocommerce, woo commerce, payment, payment gateway, gateway, subscription, subscriptions, epay, integration, woocommerce epay, psp Requires at least: 4.0.0 Tested up to: 6.5.5 Stable tag: 6.0.7 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html WC requires at least: 3.2 WC tested up to: 9.0.2

Integrates ePay payment gateway into your WooCommerce installation.

== Description == With ePay Payment for WooCommerce, you are able to integrate the ePay payment window into your WooCommerce installation and start receiving secure online payments.

= Features =

== Installation ==

  1. Go to your WordPress administration page and log in. Example url: https://www.yourshop.com/wp-admin

  2. In the left menu click Plugins -> Add new.

  3. Click the Upload plugin button to open the Add Plugins dialog.

  4. Click Choose File and browse to the folder where you saved the file from step 1. Select the file and click Open.

  5. Click Install Now

  6. Click Activate Plugin

  7. In the left menu click WooCommerce -> Settings.

  8. Click the tab Checkout and select ePay

  9. Enter and adjust the settings which are described in the Settings section.

  10. Click Save Changes when done and you are ready to use ePay Payment gateway

Click here for more information about Settings

== Changelog ==

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