epcbot / sgd2png

Convert SGD images to PNG with custom palette.
ISC License
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image-conversion png sgd vector-graphics


Convert SGD images to 8 or 16 color PNG with custom palette. Optionally highlight selection sets with different color and write cropped image of each selection set.


sgd2png [options] <SGD-file> [...]


Option Description
-c Also output cropped pictures of each selection set
-f Also output full pictures of each selection set
-p <file> Load alternative 8 or 16 color palette from file
-z <0-9> Set PNG compression level
-o <path> Set output directory
-h Show help message

By default, PNG images are written to current directory. This can be overridden with -o <path>. Each instance of ### substring in path is replaced with first 3 characters of source filename.


Convert all SGD files under src in 8 threads and store them in directories under dst designated by filename prefix, using palette example.pal and writing full and cropped image of each selection set:

find /path/to/src -type f -name *.zgd | xargs -P 8 -n 100 ./sgd2png -cf -p example.pal -o /path/to/dst/###

Palette file

Palette file must contain 8 or 16 colors in hexadecimal RR GG BB format, one color per line. First 8 colors are regular colors, last 8 are selection colors. If palette file has 8 colors, selection colors are obtained from the first 8 by zeroing the blue component.

By default, images are output with custom palette fixed in source code. To get original colors, replace it with actual SGD palette (not included here).