epdtry / rk-convert

.rk model converter
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Tools for converting rkengine .rk (model) and .anim (animation) files. Also includes a tool for extracting .ark files.


Requires Rust and a C++ compiler (for use with cc).

First, initialize the submodules:

git submodule update --init

Then, to build the tools:

cargo build --release


To extract a .ark file:

cargo run --release --bin unark -- path/to/file.ark

This will extract the contents of the .ark into the current directory. You should probably run this in a new, empty directory.

To convert a model to glTF:

# Without animation:
cargo run --release --bin model-to-gltf -- path/to/model.rk
# With animation:
cargo run --release --bin model-to-gltf -- path/to/model.rk path/to/anim.csv
cargo run --release --bin model-to-gltf -- path/to/model.rk path/to/anim.anim

For a model named XXX_YYY_lodN.rk, there will usually be accompanying animation files XXX.anim, XXX.xml, and XXX.csv that define animations for that category of models. Pass the .csv file if there is one - this file divides the frames of the .anim file into separate, named animations. Otherwise, pass the .anim file to get all frames as a single giant animation. For models that aren't animated, don't pass an animation file at all.

The output will be saved as out.glb in glTF binary format.