epfl-si / jahiap

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A Jahia parser that takes the export of a Jahia site and transforms it into something else (e.g. a static site).


If you wish to work on one of the following features : sites on same.domain/different/paths, wordpress, redirections and proxy, you need to setup your environment as described in template-web-wordpress/README

If you only want to crawl, unzip, parse, generate static HTML and serve it in a standalone container, you should only need:

pip install -r requirements/base.txt

And the following environment variables (in order to crawl the zip files from Jahia):

export JAHIA_HOST="localhost"
export JAHIA_ROOT_USER='root'

JAHIA_ROOT_PASSWORD is mandatory, i.e the script will not run if it is not set. For the two first ones, the values above are used by default.

The 30-seconds tutorial (standalone, working on master.epfl.ch)

$ cd jahiap
$ make static standalone

You now can access the content at http://localhost:9090. If you want to stop the running container, you can use make stop_standalone.

For another website, e.g dcsl :

$ make static standalone port=9091 site_name=dcsl

This one will be available at http://localhost:9091.

The 2-mins-seconds tutorial (with the whole architecture, on master.epfl.ch)

You first have to setup the environment as described in template-web-wordpress/README

When you have your environment ready, you can start the helpers:

$ cd ~/git-repos/template-web-wordpress/helpers
$ make restart

You can check your DB on phpmyadmin.localhost:8081 and check that traefik is running on http://localhost:8080

$ cd ~/git-repos/jahiap
$ make all

The website is now accessible on $WP_HOST/$WP_PATH/site_name. With the default values from the setup instructions, it will be available at http://static.localhost/labs/master.

For another website, e.g dcsl, you need to set the site_name

$ cd jahiap
$ make all site_name=dcsl

With the default values from the setup instructions, it will be available at http://static.localhost/labs/dcsl.

More details on usage

The make only wraps the calls to the script src/jahiap.py