ephread / inkgd

Implementation of inkle's Ink in pure GDScript for Godot, with editor support.
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Best Practice for Functions that utilize List Items as Parameters? #80

Open Bard09 opened 7 months ago

Bard09 commented 7 months ago

[NOTE: Using the Godot4 Branch]

I have many different native functions in Ink that use List parameters... so I when I rolled out inkgd I wanted to make sure those worked in particular. One of my concerns was that I didn't want to have to generate a 'fresh' parameter every time I queried these functions, as I know performance can be an issue. So here's what I did... I'm curious if you have any suggestions for improvement?

I ended up creating a local Dictionary that I could call with the item name only (I don't reuse items names between lists), and it'd return a cached formatted InkList with a Single Item that I could pass as a parameter to the function. It looks something like this:

        #Creating a Godot Dictionary & populating it with List parameters from 1 list called "fields"
        var listItems: Dictionary
    var fields: InkList = story.get_variable("fields")
    for each_field: InkListItem in fields.all.keys(): 
        listItems[each_field.item_name] = InkList.new_with_single_item(InkListItem.new_with_full_name(each_field.full_name), 0)

        #Example Function Call that returns a string response
        var resultText: String = story.evaluate_function("exampleFunction", [listItems[each_field.item_name]]).return_value

Is this the 'best' way to accomplish this goal? I ultimately wrote a wrapper function for some of this but wanted to see if there was an alternative recommendation for what I was trying to do.

Additionally.... I have 20-30 lists I'd have to loop through in this manner to cache them in the Dictionary. I think it's technically possible to use InkStory and get the lists via ListDefinitions as an alternative-- but to get that to work you'd have to be using InkStory, not the InkPlayer-- correct? There's no way to loop through all the ListDefinitions otherwise? Just want to confirm :)