Thank for making the pipeline available. This is my first time using it. I ran the pipeline with the dumultiplex flag (see below), but as far as I can tell the output that I am getting is the same as that without using the flag. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to specify the index sequences?
Thank for making the pipeline available. This is my first time using it. I ran the pipeline with the dumultiplex flag (see below), but as far as I can tell the output that I am getting is the same as that without using the flag. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to specify the index sequences?
Thank you for your help.
NXF_OPTS='-Xms512m -Xmx2G' /Users/keenhl/nextflow_2022/nextflow run wf-isoforms/ \ --fastq fastq \ --ref_genome /path/hg38.fa \ --ref_annotation /path/ref-transcripts.gtf \ -profile argon,singularity \ --demultiplex \ -bg -resume