epi2me-labs / wf-isoforms

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This repository is now deprecated, please see https://github.com/epi2me-labs/wf-transcriptomes

This repository contains a nextflow workflow for assembly and annotation of transcripts from Oxford Nanopore cDNA or direct RNA reads. It has been adapted from two existing Snakemake pipelines:


This workflow identifies RNA isoforms using either cDNA or direct RNA (dRNA) Oxford Nanopore reads.


cDNA reads are initially preprocessed by pychopper for the identification of full-length reads, as well as trimming and orientation correction (This step is omitted for direct RNA reads).

Reference-aided approach

de novo-based approach (experimental!)

Workflow inputs

The workflow uses nextflow to manage compute and software resources, as such nextflow will need to be installed before attempting to run the workflow.

The workflow can currently be run using either Docker, Singularity or conda to provide isolation of the required software. Each method is automated out-of-the-box provided either docker, singularity or conda is installed.

It is not required to clone or download the git repository in order to run the workflow. For more information on running EPI2ME Labs workflows visit out website.

Workflow options

To obtain the workflow, having installed nextflow, users can run:

nextflow run epi2me-labs/wf-isoforms --help

to see the options for the workflow.

Example execution of a workflow for reference-based transcript assembly

This example uses a synthetic SIRV dataset, so we need to tell minimap2 about the non-canonical splice junctions with --minimap2_opts '-uf --splice-flank=no'

nextflow run wf-isoforms/ --fastq test_data/fastq  --ref_genome test_data/SIRV_150601a.fasta --ref_annotation test_data/SIRV_isofroms.gtf
--minimap2_opts '-uf --splice-flank=no' --out_dir outdir -w workspace_dir -profile conda -resume
# To evaluate the workflow on a larger Drosophila dataset
./evaluation/run_evaluation_dmel.sh outdir

Example workflow for denovo transcript assembly

nextflow run . --fastq test_data/fastq --denovo --ref_genome test_data/SIRV_150601a.fasta  -profile local --out_dir ${OUTPUT} -w ${OUTPUT}/workspace \
--sample sample_id -resume

A full list of options can be seen in nextflow_schema.json. Below are some commonly used ones.

Pychopper and minimap2 can take options via minimap2_opts and pychopper_opts, for example:

Note: edlib is set by default in the config as it's quite a lot faster. However it may be less sensitive than nhmmscan.

Useful links