epiforecasts / drat

📦 drat repository
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EpiForecasts Package Repository (Archived)

Build packages

To install EpiForecast packages, you should use the {drat} package:


Now you can use {drat} to register the EpiForecast repository as a valid repository:


Now you can install any of the EpiForecast development packages:


This repository was adapted from here. We would like to thank @zkamvar for their work implementing this approach along with the authors of {drat} and {drat.builder}.

Maintaining this page

The packages included in this drat repository are maintained in the packages.txt, which contains the github accounts and names of the packages.

The data and metadata associated with this page are built with the {drat.builder} package.

Automated builds

This page is maintained under a GitHub Action that will check if the packages updated and build them to this repo. If you want to update a package (e.g. change its version number), edit the packages.txt file and the [GitHub Action] will update the packages automagically.

Manual builds

Assuming the above works just fine, you shouldn't have to use this, but it is here for posterity.

Install {drat.builder} via {remotes}:


Steps for updating this page:

  1. Pull from the remote to make sure you have the entire history
  2. Open R from this directory
  3. Run drat.builder::build()
  4. push the changes