This is a general dumping ground of small utility code reused across projects.
Includes a lot of historical cruft which has been obsoleted by evolution of Jena.
Only documentation is the code and javadoc.
RDFUtil Collection of utilities for common trivial RDF tasks, a couple of other utils in that directory might be handy but most are obsoleted
Wrappers Provides wrappers for Datasets, Models and RDFNodes which simplify their use from scripting languages like Velocity. Obsoleted by appbase.
json Some utils for working with Jena's json support including a hacked version of the Talis-format RDF writer which handles lists as JSON arrays.
vocabs Schemagened versions of some common vocabularies, currently static rather than built form source. Should migrate to using maven schemagen plugin.
FileUtil Some utilities for creating directories and copying files
NameUtils String bashing functions used when encoding names in http calls etc
PrefixUtils Utilities for working with prefix mappings including merging and using them to expand SPARQL queries (pure string bashing level)
tasks Support for incremental reporting of messgaes from async processes, e.g. used for reporting data converter process to an ajax web UI
marshalling Set of JAX-RS bindings for read/write of RDF when using Jersey. This does mean that lib depends on Jersey which isn't nice. Could factor this out into the libraries that more naturally need Jersey anyway.
geo Support for geolocations including parsing/formating OS Grid References and converting to from lat/log (in WGS84 as well as OSGB36)