episerver / episerver-labs-content-manager-docs

Documentation for EPiServer.Labs.ContentManager
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For Grid View docs, please visit Grid View

Episerver Content Manager


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Content Manager is an addon that allows to display flat list of content outside of Edit Mode.

It has two main parts:


Dashboard gives users quick access to content. They can do a general full text search to find an item or edit content through predefined categories on dashboard.


By default there are four tabs:

Configuring dashboard tabs

Tabs on dashboard are configurable. You can hide them or change their order. To do that you need to configure AvailableGadgets option value:

AvailableGadgets => new[]


In the example above, Starred items will be displayed at first position, then Rejected items and then list of tasks.

Using full text search

When using full text search, user automatically gets search suggestions. Suggestion are enabled by default, but they can be turned off using options:

context.Services.Configure<ContentManagerOptions>((options) =>
    options.NotificationReceiversRoles = new[] { "WebEditors" };
    options.AutocompleteEnabled = false;

Changing dashboard title

By default dashboard title is "Episerver Content Manager", but this value can be changed and localized using "/contentmanager/dashboard/title" resource key.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <language name="English" id="en">
        <title>Alloy Fast cars Content Managment</title>


View is a subpage inside Content Manager that displays filterable and sortable subset of contents from a site.

By default, when running Content Manager, Editor will see one view: Root. The default view will display all content available on site.

Default view

Custom view can be defined through code or using blocks.

Configuring views through code

To create view from code, you need to register new class that implements IContentManagerViewConfiguration.

Property Type Description
Id String View identifier
ViewTitle String Title used as tab name
Root ContentReference Root for content list
SortOrder int Sort order in menu for view
NewContentRoot ContentReference Content link where new content will be added
AllowedTypesToAdd IEnumerable<Type> Types that editor can add when using external grid view
AllowedTypeIdentifiers IEnumerable<string> Type identifiers that editor can add when using external grid view

To make implementation simpler, the class can inherit from ContentManagerViewConfigurationBase, that already implements IContentManagerViewConfiguration interface. Below is an example of view that displays cars blocks:

public class CarsView : ContentManagerViewConfigurationBase
    public CarsView(UIDescriptorRegistry uiDescriptorRegistry) : base(uiDescriptorRegistry)
        Id = "Cars";
        ViewTitle = "Cars";
        Root = GetCarsFolderRoot();
        AllowedTypesToAdd = new[] {typeof(CarBlock)};

    private ContentReference GetCarsFolderRoot()
        var children = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentLoader>()
        var carsFolder = children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "cars")?.ContentLink ??
        return carsFolder;

Configuring views using blocks

It possible to configure custom views without deploying the code. Editor has to add new block of type CustomViewConfigurationBlock under "CustomExternalViews" folder. Please note, that the folder has to be created manually by the Editor.

Adding custom view block

When editing block, Editor has to set:

Property Required Description
Root true Root page for content
SortOrder int Sort order in menu for view
Enabled bool When true, then view is used by views provider
New content root false Root for new content. When not set, then Root property will be used.
Allowed types to add false Content types displayed in view

Editing custom view block

Custom views providers

Content Manager allows to register custom source of views. Those views will be concatenated with with built-in views. To do this you need to register class that implements IExternalViewsProvider interface.

Interface has only one method GetViews, that returns collection of view definition (IContentManagerViewConfiguration).

Localizing views

View title can be localized using resource files. The key in the resource file should be configured as contentmanager/views/[view-id]/title.

For example, for cars view, the view ID is "cars", and the XML resource will looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <language name="English" id="en">
          <title>Fast cars</title>

Filtering views

Views can be filtered by:

  1. Languages

Filtering by language

  1. Date

Filtering by language

  1. Status

Filtering by language

Media views

When all displayed types are media, then view is displayed as Media View.

Media view

The difference between this view and regular view is that "Add new" content button was replaced with "Upload media" that allows to upload media directly.


Items in Content Manager are displayed using cards.


Information on card are configurable. To change how item is displayed, the content model has to implement IDashboardItem that define card properties. The interface has SetItem method called when item properties are set.

For example on ArticlePage:

    GroupName = Global.GroupNames.News,
    GUID = "AEECADF2-3E89-4117-ADEB-F8D43565D2F4")]
[SiteImageUrl(Global.StaticGraphicsFolderPath + "page-type-thumbnail-article.png")]
public class ArticlePage : StandardPage, IDashboardItem
    public void SetItem(ItemModel itemModel)
        itemModel.Description = MetaDescription;
        itemModel.Image = PageImage;

And it's the same if you wish to display media files:

[ContentType(GUID = "0A89E464-56D4-449F-AEA8-2BF774AB8730")]
[MediaDescriptor(ExtensionString = "jpg,jpeg,jpe,ico,gif,bmp,png")]
public class ImageFile : ImageData, IDashboardItem
    public virtual string Copyright { get; set; }

    public void SetItem(ItemModel itemModel)
        itemModel.Description = Copyright;
        itemModel.Image = ContentLink;

When editing content, the build-in edit mode form is used


Editor can send content for review using "Mark as Ready" checkbox. When Content is marked as Ready for review it can't be edited.


Editor can add comments to content. It will use same mechanism as Edit Mode content comments.


Use custom styles

Content Manager allows to use custom CSS styles.

Custom styles can be configured using module.config file. For example in Alloy module.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <!-- This adds the Alloy template assembly to the "default module" -->
        <add assembly="Alloy.Sample" />
        <!-- custom styles -->
        <add name="epi-cms.widgets.base" path="Styles/Styles.css" resourceType="Style"/>
        <!-- Add a mapping from alloy to ~/ClientResources/Scripts to the dojo loader configuration -->
            <add name="alloy" path="Scripts" />

View HTML root element has CSS class name that contains view name, so you can set styles based on that value. For example for Car view:

.Cars.dashboard {
     background-color: blue;

Using with Commerce

Content Manager can be used to list Episerver Commerce products.

To configure it, the ExternalModules should contain the Commerce ShellModule. There is EnsureCommerceLoaded helper method that add required modules.

public class ExternalGridInitialization : IInitializableModule
    public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
        var contentOptions = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ContentManagerOptions>();
        contentOptions.EnsureCommerceLoaded(); // equivalent to contentOptions.ExternalModules.Add("EPiServer.Commerce.Shell");

    public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)

    public void Preload(string[] parameters)

Content Manager options

Content Manager is using Options class to configure some of the features. Below is a description of Options properties.

Property Required Default Description
IsContentManagerEnabled bool true When true, then Content Manager is enabled
IsBlocksProviderEnabled bool true When true, then blocks views provider is enabled
AutocompleteEnabled bool true When true, then autocomplete for searchbox is enabled
AvailableGadgets IEnumerable null List of tabs available on dashboard. When null then default tabs are configured
DefaultThumbnailUrl string null URL to default card image thumbnail, used when content image is not provided. When null then default thumbnail is used
NotificationReceiversUsers IEnumerable empty List of users notified by Content Manager comments
NotificationReceiversRoles IEnumerable empty List of roles notified by Content Manager comments
CustomViewsFolderName string CustomExternalViews Folder name used by blocks view provider
UrlPrefix string content URL prefix added to Content Manager addon pages
ExternalModules string[] empty External dojo modules initialized by Content Manager