= redmine_ultraviolet
A Redmine plugin that replaces the repository's default syntax highlighting engine (CodeRay) with a nicer one (Ultraviolet).
Ultraviolet uses Textmate's syntax highlighting files, so it supports every language under the sun. And it has lots of themes!
= Installation:
First, install Oniguruma (advanced regular expression support):
Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install libonig-dev
OSX (with Brew): brew install oniguruma
Windows: gem install oniguruma
Next, install the Ultraviolet gem:
gem install ultraviolet
And finally, use Rails' handy-dandy plugin installer to grab this plugin:
script/plugin install git://github.com/epitron/redmine_ultraviolet.git
Alternatively, you can just get a copy of it and copy the redmine_ultraviolet directory into vendor/plugins/
= Themes:
The highlighter's default colour scheme ("theme") is currently {pastels_on_dark}[http://ultraviolet.rubyforge.org/themes.xhtml#pastels_on_dark].
Each user can change the colour scheme by going to "My account" and picking the theme from the dropdown list. (See {this handy page of what the themes actually look like}[http://ultraviolet.rubyforge.org/themes.xhtml] to pick a good one.)
= Supported Languages:
= Authors:
= License:
Licensed under the WTFPL. See LICENSE for details.