eplightning / gelf-forwarder

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GELF Forwarder

Application that receives logs in formats not supported natively by Graylog server, forwarding them to Graylog via GELF TCP or UDP input.


Usage of ./gelf-forwarder:
      --backpressure                    Enable input backpressure (default true)
      --channel-buffer-size uint        How many messages to hold in channel buffer (default 100)
      --gelf-address string             Address of GELF server (default "")
      --gelf-compression                Enable compression for UDP (default true)
      --gelf-max-retries int            How many times to retry sending message in case of failure, -1 means infinity (default 3)
      --gelf-proto string               Protocol of GELf server (default "udp")
      --graceful-timeout uint           How many seconds to wait for messages to be sent on shutdown (default 10)
      --http-address string             Listen address for http input (default ":9000")
      --http-basic-pass string          Password for HTTP Basic authentication. Only used if username was set
      --http-basic-user string          Username for HTTP Basic authentication. Authentication is not required if empty (default)
      --http-host-field string          Name of host field (default "host")
      --http-message-field string       Name of message field (default "message")
      --http-timestamp-field string     Name of timestamp field (default "timestamp")
      --input-type string               Which input to start: vector, http, vectorv2 (default "http")
      --tls-cert-path string            Path to PEM-encoded certificate to be used for TLS server. Required if TLS was enabled
      --tls-client-ca-path string       Path to PEM-encoded CA bundle to be used for client certificate verification. When provided, TLS client authentication will be enabled and required
      --tls-enabled                     Use TLS for input
      --tls-key-path string             Path to PEM-encoded key to be used for TLS server. Required if TLS was enabled
      --vector-address string           Listen address for vector v1/v2 input (default ":9000")
      --vector-host-field string        Name of host field (default "host")
      --vector-max-message-size uint    Maximum length of single Vector v1 message (default 1048576)
      --vector-message-field string     Name of message field (default "message")
      --vector-timestamp-field string   Name of timestamp field (default "timestamp"

All options can be provided via flags or environment variables, for example:

INPUT_TYPE=vector ./gelf-forwarder --gelf-proto=tcp

Docker image is available on Github's GHCR:

docker run --rm ghcr.io/eplightning/gelf-forwarder:latest --help

Configuration tips

Data format

Messages sent to gelf-forwarder need to contain at least two fields to work correctly:

Additionally timestamp should be provided.

In case of HTTP input the timestamp needs to be either unix timestamp or RFC3339 formatted date.

If timestamp is invalid or not provided the server will default to current time.

Names of the these special fields are fully configurable (see --help). They can't however be nested inside another object field.


All types of inputs support TLS client authentication, please refer to --tls-* family of options.

On top of that, HTTP input additionally supports HTTP basic authentication, please refer to --http-basic-user and --http-basic-pass options.