eportfolio-tech / server

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Forty-Two e-portfolio

This repository contains source code for backend server of Forty-Two e-portfolio platform. This project is built for IT Project at The University of Melbourne. Todo: WEBSITE DESCRIPTION TO BE COMPLETED

Live Demo


Quick Start

Using Docker

This project requires Redis, MongoDB and RabbitMQ. We've created docker-compose configurations to simplify this process.

Once you've decided which environment you want to use, cd into that directory. The following guide uses dev as an example. i.e. at ./docker-compose/dev/

  1. Fill variables in example.env
  2. Rename example.env to .env
  3. Execute docker-compose up to run the application in the foreground
  4. Execute docker-compose up -d to start application in the background

The server will be listening to the port assigned if you see the following output.

server_1      | 2020-10-27 14:06:30.843  INFO 1 --- [           main] t.eportfolio.server.ServerApplication    : Started ServerApplication in 122.533 seconds (JVM running for 131.832)

You can use http://localhost:PORT/api/swagger-ui.html to access API documentation.


The server read configuration such as database connection from environment variables.

The following snippet lists all environment variables used in this project with description. You can also find this example in each subfolder with name example.env.

# ------- Slack -------
# Spring profile

# Set slack hook url if you want watchtower to notice image update

# ------- Watchtower -------
# Path of docker configuration json. Set this to pull image from private docker registry.

# ------- Server -------
# Port number the application will be listening

# ------- Redis -------
# Redis Configuration
# Redis host 
# Redis port number
# Redis password

# ------- Rabbit MQ -------
# Port number of rabbitmq management port
# Access the website using http://localhost:${RABBITMQ_WEB_PORT}/
# RabbitMQ host 
# RabbitMQ port number
# RabbitMQ username
# RabbitMQ password

# ------- Mongo DB -------
# specify database to use
# MongoDB connection string. It should start with mongodb+srv:// or mongodb://

# ------- Azure -------
# Azure storage account connection string
# default container name

# ------- 3rd Party API -------
# We use free images from unsplash.com to create example portfolio
# Unsplash access API key

Local Development

  1. run docker-compose -f ./docker-compose/local/docker-compose.yml up -d
  2. run cp ./docker-compose/local/example.env ./docker-compose/local/.env
  3. fill the .env file at ./docker-compose/local/.env
  4. run export $(cat ./docker-compose/local/.env | xargs) to export environment variables to active shell. Alternatively, you can use EnvFile for IntelliJ IDEA to mange environment variables.
  5. run ./gradlew bootRun on *unix or .\gradlew.bat bootRun on Windows. Note that it might take a while to download dependencies. The server will be listening on port 8090 by default. You can use http://localhost:PORT/api/swagger-ui.html to access API documentation.


This project has implemented unit testing for API endpoints.

  1. run docker-compose -f ./docker-compose/test/docker-compose.yml up -d
  2. run cp ./docker-compose/test/example.env ./docker-compose/test/.env
  3. run export $(cat ./docker-compose/test/.env | xargs) to export environment variables to active shell
  4. run ./gradlew test on *unix or .\gradlew.bat test on Windows. Note that it might take a while to download dependencies.

Repository Structure

The following outlines structure of the repository with description.

├── diagram: diagrams
├── docker-compose: docker-compose files to spin up the server in a second
│   ├── redis.conf: Redis configuration
│   ├── example.env: an empty .env file which you need to fill
│   ├── dev
│   │   └── docker-compose.yml
│   ├── local
│   │   └── docker-compose.yml
│   ├── prod
│   │   └── docker-compose.yml
│   └── test
│       └── docker-compose.yml
├── readme.md
├── server.plantuml 
├── sonarqube: SonarQube configurations
│   └── sonar.properties
├── sonarqube.yml: docker-file to set up SonarQube instance
├── build.gradle
├── settings.gradle
├── gradlew
├── gradlew.bat
└── src: source code
    ├── main: see Spring Boot Project Structure below



The following outlines the Spring Boot Application structure. We structured the project based on a layered architecture model.

Spring Boot Structure

├── main
│   ├── java
│   │   └── tech
│   │       └── eportfolio
│   │           └── server
│   │               ├── ServerApplication.java: Entrypoint of the application
│   │               ├── common: contains code shared within the application like utility classes                       
│   │               ├── config: Spring Boot Configuration Classes 
│   │               ├── controller: controllers
│   │               ├── dto: POJOs that carries data between the client and the server
│   │               ├── interceptor: interceptors
│   │               ├── job: Quartz jobs
│   │               ├── listener: Event listeners
│   │               ├── model: Domain models 
│   │               ├── repository: Spring Data Repositories
│   │               ├── security: Spring security configuration
│   │               ├── server.plantuml: UML of the server package
│   │               └── service: Service interfaces and implementation                     
│   └── resources: Spring properties
│       ├── application-dev.yml: properties for development environment                            
│       ├── application-local.yml: properties for local environment 
│       ├── application-prod.yml: properties for production environment  
│       └── application-test.yml: properties for testing environment
└── test: testcases
    └── java
        └── tech
            └── eportfolio
                └── server
                    ├── Swagger2MarkupTest.java
                    ├── controller: controller tests
                    ├── listener: listener tests
                    └── service: service tests

Message Queue Usage

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Yunfei Jing






Haswell Fan




This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!