epri-dev / StorageVET

StorageVET 2.0 is a valuation model for analysis of energy storage technologies and some other energy resources paired with storage. The tool can be used as a standalone model, or integrated with other power system models, thanks to its open-source Python framework. Download the executable environment and learn more at https://www.storagevet.com.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
63 stars 25 forks source link

StoragetVET 2.0

StorageVET 2.0 is a valuation model for analysis of energy storage technologies and some other energy resources paired with storage. The tool can be used as a standalone model, or integrated with other power system models, thanks to its open-source Python framework. Download the executable environment and learn more at https://www.storagevet.com.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Prerequisites & Installing

1. Install Anaconda for python 3.**

2. Open Anaconda Prompt

3. Activate Python 3.8 environment

It is recommended that the latest Python 3.8 version be used. As of this writing, that version is Python 3.8.16
We give the user 2 routes to create a python environment for python 3.8.16

Most Windows users have success with the Conda route.

Each route results in a siloed python environment, but with different properties.
Choose the conda OR pip route and stick to it. Commands are not interchangeable.
>Please remember the route which created the python environment in order to activate it again later.

You will need to activate the python environment to run the model, always.

**Conda Route - Recommended route for Windows OS**

Note that the python version is specified, meaning conda does not have to be associated with a python 3.8

conda create -n storagevet-venv python=3.8.16
conda activate storagevet-venv

Pip Route

If you have Python 3.8.16 installed directly on your computer, then we recommend trying this route.

This route lets you to open the prompt of your choice. Note that pip should be associated to a python 3.8 installation

On Linux/Mac

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv storagevet-venv
source storagevet-venv/bin/activate

On Windows

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv storagevet-venv

3. Install project dependencies

Conda Route

pip install setuptools==52.0.0
conda install conda-forge::blas=*=openblas --file requirements.txt --file requirements-dev.txt
pip install numpy_financial==1.0.0

Pip Route

pip install setuptools==52.0.0
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-dev.txt
pip install numpy_financial==1.0.0

Running the tests

To run tests, activate Python environment. Then enter the following into your terminal:

python -m pytest test


To use this project as a dependency in your own, clone this repo directly into the root of your project. Open terminal or command prompt from your project root, and input the following command:

pip install -e ./storagevet


For the versions available, please see the list of releases on out GitHub repository. This is version 1.2.3



This project is licensed under the BSD (3-clause) License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details