epsilonlabs / emc-rdf

EMC driver for RDF graphs
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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RDF driver for Epsilon

This is a prototype of an Epsilon Model Connectivity driver for RDF and related technologies, based on Apache Jena.

This document provides instructions for users. For instructions on how to set up a development environment, please see CONTRIBUTING.md.

Features and limitations

Currently, the driver can:

For now, the driver has these limitations:

The driver requires Epsilon 2.1 or newer: it will not work on Epsilon 1.x due to breaking API changes from 1.x to 2.x.


Eclipse IDE

Install the features from this update site:


Alternatively, you can download a zipped version of the update site.

Example projects are available from the examples folder of this repository.


The RDF driver is available as a Maven dependency from Github Packages:



This is a high-level description of the features of the driver. The features are described using examples based on the W3C RDF 1.2 Turtle example:

BASE <http://example.org/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>
PREFIX rel: <http://www.perceive.net/schemas/relationship/>

  rel:enemyOf <#spiderman> ;
  a foaf:Person ;    # in the context of the Marvel universe
  foaf:name "Green Goblin" .

  rel:enemyOf <#green-goblin> ;
  a foaf:Person ;
  foaf:name "Spiderman", "Человек-паук"@ru .

Accessing model elements

To obtain a specific RDF resource by its URL:

var goblin = Model.getElementById('http://example.org/#green-goblin');

To list all the resources that have an rdf:type predicate with a certain object acting as their type, use Prefix::Type.all:

foaf::Person.all.println('All people: ');

You could also use `foaf:Person` to follow a more RDF-like style, but you would need backticks to escape the name.

If there is no risk of ambiguity, you can just use the type name:

Person.all.println('All people: ');

By default, the prefixes are read from the documents, but you can also specify custom prefixes while loading the model.

Accessing predicates

Using resource.p, you can access all the objects of the p predicate where resource is the subject. For example:

goblin.`rel:enemyOf`.println('Enemies of the Green Goblin: ');

If we need to specify a prefix, we can use x.`prefix:localName` or x.`prefix::localName` (the EOL grammar requires backticks for colons inside property names, whether it's : or ::).

If there is no risk of ambiguity, you can also drop the prefix:

goblin.enemyOf.println('Enemies of the Green Goblin: ');

If there are predicates with the same local name but different namespace URIs in the graph formed by all the loaded documents in a model, a warning will be issued. In this case, you should be using a prefix to avoid the ambiguity.

Note: currently resource.p will always return a collection, as we do not leverage yet the RDFS descriptions that could indicate the cardinality of p.

Values of predicates

The values in resource.p will be either other resources, or the values of the associated literals (without filtering by language tags).

It is possible to mention a language suffix, to limit the results to literals with that language. For instance:

var spider = Model.getElementById('http://example.org/#spiderman');
spider.`name@ru`.println('Name of Spiderman in Russian: ');

Accessing literal objects

If you would like to access the RDFLiteral objects rather than just their values, use a _literal suffix as part of the local name (before any language tags). For instance, we could change the above example to:

var spider = Model.getElementById('http://example.org/#spiderman');
spider.`name_literal@ru`.println('Name literal of Spiderman in Russian: ');

RDFLiteral objects have several properties: