equinor / attenuation-app

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Attenuation app


Running the app locally

You need to use a Mac with Xcode installed for this to work

Step 1: Install packages

npm install

Step 2: Prebuild the project

npm run prebuild

You can also do a clean prebuild

npm run prebuild -- --clean

Step 3: Run the project on an iOS simulator

npm run ios

You can also select device to run it on. Your physical devices will show up if connected.

npm run ios -- --device


expo has a tool called expo-doctor that can help you troubleshoot issues in the project. To use it, run:

npm run doctor

Doing a clean prebuild will often solve issues.

Further information

More information about expo-cli can be found here


This repository uses Release Please to handle changelog and versioning. Release Please requires you to use Conventional Commit messages. All commits to main with the prefixes fix: and feat: are considered releasable commits. We have Github actions set up to make sure you follow the convention when creating a PR.

PRs need to be approved by at least one other person. It's not possible to commit directly to main.


Once you are ready to release a new version of the app, merge Release Please's PR in order to update version number and update the changelog.