equinor / lighthouse-client

WebClient for project Lighthouse
MIT License
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Castberg Project Portal

GitHub Workflow Status (with event) GitHub Workflow Status (with event) GitHub issues GitHub pull requests SCM Compliance Known Vulnerabilities

This repository contains various applications and many different Power BI reports. Most of the applications are read-only, except Release Control, Scope Change Request and partially Piping and Heat trace (also called Discipline Release Control). The backend for Release Control, Scope Change Request and Piping and Heat Trace can be found here.

This project uses NodeJS and PNPM. Applications are developed using React, Typescript and Vite and hosted in Radix.

Getting started 🚀

Create a .env file with the same format as the .env.default from root folder. Get your environment variables from the console in Radix (or ask a team-member). The, run the following commands:

pnpm install
pnpm start

Some other usefull commands are:

Contributing ⚒️

Contributing, check out our contributing guide

Also, check out the lighthouse team docs for information on how to structure work.

Issues ✨

To submit an issue, use one of the predefined issue types in Github Issues. Be sure to give good explanation and context in the issue description.

Submitted issues will be prioritized and followed up in our Github Projects.

CI/CD ⚙️

We continously build, test and verify all PRs submitted to GitHub. PRs merged with main will automatically be deployed to production.

Changes merged with main will be built and deployed to production without any additional approval steps.

🚨 Make sure to align the deployment with backend changes

The following environments are availible:

The following manual deployment actions are availible:

Useful links

User statistics report