equinor / webviz-config

Make Dash applications from a user-friendly config file :book: :snake:
MIT License
56 stars 39 forks source link
dash flask plotly visualization webapp yaml

This package will be deprecated - we move instead all collaboration focus to the reusable React and Dash components in:
  • https://github.com/equinor/webviz-subsurface-components
  • https://github.com/equinor/webviz-core-components

Democratizing Python web applications

Total alerts Language grade: Python

Writing a [Dash web application](https://github.com/plotly/dash) gives a lot of flexibility, however, it also requires :snake: Python knowledge from the person setting it up. *Webviz™* is a MIT-licensed configuration layer on top of Dash, which encourages making reusable components and dashboards, which can then be added/removed when creating an application using a short [`yaml`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML) configuration file. This Python package, `webviz-config`, is the core plugin framework. For a real example repository using this plugin system, see e.g. [`webviz-subsurface`](https://github.com/equinor/webviz-subsurface). **These are the main user groups targeted by *Webviz™*:** - **You do not know Python**, and only want to add different predefined dashboards or visualizations/components in a certain order and/or on different pages in the application. Optionally with some text and mathematical equations (that you provide) inbetween the dashboards, explaining what the user is looking at. - **You know [Python](https://www.python.org/)**, and want to create generic or specialized dashboards you or other users can reuse by simply asking for it in the Webviz™ configuration file. This can be done without knowing JavaScript (see also [Dash](https://plot.ly/dash/) for more information). - **You know [React](https://reactjs.org/)**, and want to create highly specialized visualization which Python or pure config-file users can reuse. *Webviz™* will create web applications with very :lock: strict security headers and CSP settings, giving an rating of **A+** on e.g. [Mozilla observatory](https://observatory.mozilla.org/). It also facilitates a :whale: Docker setup, where the Python code can be ran completely unpriviliged in a sandbox (both with respect to file system access and network communication). Example configuration file and information about the standard plugins can be seen in [the documentation](https://equinor.github.io/webviz-config/). **The workflow can be summarized as this:** 1) The user provides a :book: configuration file following the [yaml](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML) standard. 2) *Webviz™* reads the configuration file and automatically writes the corresponding :snake: Python code. 3) The created application can be viewed locally, or deployed using :whale: Docker to a cloud provider. Both out of the box. ![technical_drawing](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31612826/67282250-9f54fc80-f4d1-11e9-9f77-b352ec2710ed.png) --- ### Installation The recommended and simplest way of installing `webviz-config` is to run ```bash pip install webviz-config ``` If you want to develop `webviz-config` and install the latest source code manually you can do something along the lines of: ```bash git clone git@github.com:equinor/webviz-config.git cd ./webviz-config npm ci --ignore-scripts # NOTE: If you are on Windows, make sure to first set `npm`'s default `script-shell` to `powershell` by running # npm config set script-shell powershell npm run postinstall pip install -e . ``` After installation, there is a console script named `webviz` available. You can test the installation by using the provided example configuration file, ```bash webviz build ./examples/basic_example.yaml ``` Without any additional arguments, this will 1) create a temporary folder 2) write the Python application code to that folder 3) start a localhost server When stopping the server (press CTRL+C at any time), the temporary folder is deleted. The optional arguments can be seen when running ```bash webviz --help ``` ### Usage See [the introduction](./INTRODUCTION.md) page for information on how you create a `webviz` configuration file and use it. ### Creating new plugins If you are interested in creating new plugins which can be configured through the configuration file, take a look at the [contribution guide](./CONTRIBUTING.md). To quickly get started, we recommend using the corresponding [cookiecutter template](https://github.com/equinor/webviz-plugin-boilerplate). ### License `webviz-config` is, with a few exceptions listed below, [MIT](./LICENSE) licensed. - The [`webviz-config` logo](./webviz_config/_docs/static/webviz-logo.svg) is [CC BY-NC-ND 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)