Graphic Live Mixer
Real-time video mixing software for live performance
By Bruno Herbelin
GLMixer performs in real time the graphical blending of several movie clips. You would typically load a set of video samples by drag'n drop, and decide on the fly how much they should be visible, arrange the images in the screen, and which effects you apply to them.
The principle of interaction is to drop video files into a workspace, and to move them in a circular area to change their opacity ; if you selects two videos, moving them together makes a fading transition, and this principle is generalized to any number of videos. Direct interaction with the video icons allows you to be fast and reactive, and to move and deform videos on screen.
The output of your operations is shown in the main rendering window, which should for example be displayed full-screen on an external monitor or a projector, or can be saved as a video file.
Tutorial videos
To compile GLMixer you need; subversion cmake Qt Version 4 (not Qt 5) Libav (or ffmpeg) OpenCV (optionnal)
Install the dependencies
Checkout GLMixer source files from
svn checkout svn:// glmixer-Source
or download source from
Create a folder for building (e.g. glmixer-Build)
Run CMake GUI and select the GLMixer top directory as location of the source.
Do configure (choose Ninja)
Make sure there is no error and set 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
' to 'Release
Do generate with CMake.
Compile : cd to the build folder, and run 'ninja' in a terminal to build the program (or use an IDE).
Open a terminal
Go to the building directory
$ cd glmixer-Build
Run cmake command line to choose ninja generator.
$ cmake -G Ninja ../glmixer-Source
To be more specific, you might want to build a Release, ignore development warnings
and use the optional features of OpenCV (web cam support) and FreeFrame (plugins):
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Wno-dev -DUSE_OPENCV=True -DUSE_UNDO=False -G Ninja ../
If all goes well, it ends with :
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: XXX YOUR SOURCE PATH XXX
Compile with ninja :
$ ninja
It should end with a message like (ignore warnings):
[128/128] Linking CXX executable src/glmixer
You can run the program directly :
$ ./src/glmixer
Install programs and libraries (Ubuntu)
$ sudo apt-get install subversion cmake-qt-gui ninja-build libqt4-opengl-dev libglew-dev libavformat-dev libhighgui-dev libavfilter-dev libv4l-dev xsltproc
(This installs all necessary packages such as xsltproc, libqtcore4, libqtgui4, libqt4-xml, libqt4-opengl, qt4-qmake, libqt4-dev, libqt4-opengl-dev, libavcodec-dev, libswscale-dev, libavformat-dev, libavutil-dev, libavfilter-dev, libglew-dev, libvorbis-dev, libx264-dev, libxvidcore-dev, libv4l-dev, libcv-dev, libcvaux-dev, libhighgui-dev, libv4l-dev).
You can now compile like under Unix (see above)
To install it in your system, run cmake (as above but) with the following options :
$ cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -D USE_OPENCV=True -D USE_FREEFRAMEGL=1.6 -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -G Ninja ../glmixer-Source/
After compiling the program (see above), build the debian package :
$ cpack
It hopefully ends with :
CPack: - package: /home/[YOUR SOURCE PATH]/GLMixer_[version].deb generated.
And you can now install it (use the filename generated above):
$ sudo apt-get install /home/[YOUR SOURCE PATH]/GLMixer_[version].deb
Install home-brew
Follow instructions from
Install programs and libraries (run the following in a terminal)
brew install subversion
brew install ninja
brew install cmake
brew install ffmpeg
brew install qt4
brew install glew
brew install homebrew/science/opencv
You can now compile like under Unix (see above)
Install msys2
Follow instructions from
Install programs and x86_64 libraries (run the following in a terminal)
pacman -S subversion
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-ninja
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-glew
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-qt4
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-opencv
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-ffmpeg
You can now compile like under Unix (see above)