erdl / thermal_comfort

Algorithms for Thermal Comfort Prediction using PMV and Adaptive Method.
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Inspect Barbers Point Data from epw to see if Outdoor Temperature also has outliers #17

Closed carlosparadis closed 6 years ago

carlosparadis commented 6 years ago

Download .epw data here:

In the simulation data, output by BIOP, the column is called Weather | Outdoor Drybulb. You will need to first figure out what column in .epw is this one, to them look for outliers.

carlosparadis commented 6 years ago

For the record, @kathrynparadis found a tool to convert from epw to .csv:

convert epw to csv

The main problem is that the other way around requires a .def file, which definition is currently unknown.

In addition, it was found that BEopt, the tool being used by Riley to create the simulation tables, is indeed slightly modifying the data, apparently smoothing as suggest by the following plot by @kathrynparadis:

hourly riley vs weatherstation. Note some of the bumps between the X-axis July 13, 12 AM and July 13, 6 AM are gone on the lower time series (BEopt output), versus the raw data (epw converted by csv).

carlosparadis commented 6 years ago

Following up on this, @eileenpeppard tried to correct the data directly in .epw, but after Riley attempted to use in BEopt, it refused to load.

@kathrynparadis Next action item is to identify a way to correct the data in .epw which is loadable by BEopt, or that can convert the edited .csv back to .epw. But I will make another issue for that (see #19).
