erdl / thermal_comfort

Algorithms for Thermal Comfort Prediction using PMV and Adaptive Method.
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Create PMV notebook for Monitored House 3 Living Room and Simulated Table Parser #20

Closed carlosparadis closed 6 years ago

carlosparadis commented 6 years ago

Use from DHHL database:

Create one 1 plot for each of the 3 air speeds:


carlosparadis commented 6 years ago


select * from sensor_info where building_id = 3 and (type = 'Temperature' OR type = 'Humidity') and room_type = 'living/kitchen/hall';


To extract tables:

psql -d dhhl -c "Copy (select * from reading where **purpose_id = <id>**) TO STDOUT With CSV HEADER DELIMITER ',';" > **house_<id>_<place>_<type>**.csv

psql -d dhhl -c "Copy (select * from reading where purpose_id = 56) TO STDOUT With CSV HEADER DELIMITER ',';" > house3_livingroom_humidity.csv

And for outdoor:

psql -d dhhl -c "Copy (select * from outdoor_hobo_temp_avg) TO STDOUT With CSV HEADER DELIMITER ',';" > houses_outdoor_temperature.csv


Plots were added to 11_Data/from_hig on Drive.