Fix formatting issue and use a consistent font for the captions and axis titles so that they can be properly read.
Use different marker styles for the data points belonging to different sample groups, such as acceptable and non-acceptable thermal comfort condition data points.
Follow the ASHRAE 55 instructions that apply to graph “FIGURE 5.4.2 Acceptable operative temperature (to) ranges for naturally conditioned spaces.”
The y axis of the graph should read “indoor operative temperatures [°F]”
The adjustment of acceptable comfort conditions should only apply to indoor operative temperatures T0 larger than 77 °F.
To calculate the increases in acceptable indoor operative temperature limits T0 resulting from increasing air speed in the range of 100 to 240 fpm, I recommend using the following equation y = -3E-05 x2 + 0.0254 x - 0.4; where x is the air speed in fpm and y is the increase in T0
The ASHRAE 55 provides options for calculating the prevailing mean outdoor air temperature. Since we must recreate the graphs anyway, I recommend that we consider the calculation option described in the Informative Appendix I of ASHRAE 55, rather than the simple and unweighted arithmetic mean that we have used for our preliminary adaptive comfort analysis.
You can send me a sample plot if you would like to have by input.
This was originally requested on July 25.
The requested changes are as follows: