eric2523 / Schopenhauer

An interactive music visualization web application built with the MERN stack
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website-link react-link react-redux-shield express-shield mongoose-shield node-shield

Background and Overview

The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer held that the “world” consists of lawfully repeating patterns of “representations” beneath which surges an unrepresentable, violent “will” which cannot be captured by law or representation. Against this metaphysical background, he accorded music a special status in comparison with the other arts. Whereas other forms of art sought to elevate by means of idealizing from representations to yet more general representations, music sought to express this will directly “in itself” without representing it.

Our app pays homage to this conflict between music and visual representation by allowing users to engage in creative free play by making their own visualizers for music they upload. We encourage the spirit of music as Schopenhauer saw it, but in the realm of the visual, and over the medium of technology.

Functionality and MVP

1. Hosting on Heroku (10/13/2020)

2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login (10/14/2020, 1 days/2 person)

3. Modifying Visualizers

4. Sound File (2days/ 2 person)

5. CRUD for Visualizers

6. User Profile Page

7. Production README


Landing page


Signup/Login Modal




Technologies and Technical Challenges



Group Members and Work Breakdown

Eric Xian - Front End Hal Parker - Back End Nathan Chau - Front End Yuehan Huang - Back End/Lead

Day 1

User Backend/Frontend Auth / demo user--Hal User Frontend/Splash/Modal Auth ---Nathan Visualizer page sketelton frontend. --- Eric Sound analysis algorithms. with wavefunction conversion to data and data analysis ---Yuehan

Day 2

Song Uploads-- Hal, Nathan Visualizer page + song playback -Eric Visualizer backend. with wavefunction conversion to data and data analysis ---Yuehan, Eric Push to heroku--Yuehan, Eric

Day 3

Visualizer template CRUDs -Eric, Yuehan Visualizer components/ display physics engine - Hal and Nathan

Day 4

User profile page- Eric, Yuehan User can follow other users -- Eric, Yuehan User can like other user's visulizer --Eric, Yuehan Visualizer components/ display physics engine - Hal and Nathan

Day 5

CSS, touch up, test --- all

Day 6 + Day 7

Bonus, generate set visulizer to song quiz -all Bonus, floating comments-all