ericcai001x / Flix

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📝 NOTE Paste this template at the top of your existing file from part 1 of this assignment. (🚫 Remove this paragraph after after checking off completed user stories)

Flix Part 2

User Stories

REQUIRED (10pts)


App Walkthough GIF

TODO:// Add the URL to your animated app walkthough gif in the image tag below, YOUR_GIF_URL_HERE. Make sure the gif actually renders and animates when viewing this README. (🚫 Remove this paragraph after after adding gif)


Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.


Flix is an app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API.

📝 NOTE - PASTE PART 2 SNIPPET HERE: Paste the README template for part 2 of this assignment here at the top. This will show a history of your development process, which users stories you completed and how your app looked and functioned at each step.

Flix Part 1

User Stories

TODO:// In the User Stories section below, add an x in the -[ ] like this - [x] for any user story you complete. (🚫 Remove this paragraph after after checking off completed user stories)

REQUIRED (10pts)


App Walkthough GIF

TODO:// Add the URL to your animated app walkthough gif in the image tag below, YOUR_GIF_URL_HERE. Make sure the gif actually renders and animates when viewing this README. (🚫 Remove this paragraph after after adding gif)


Describe any challenges encountered while building the app.