ericcfields / pytictoc

MATLAB style tic and toc timing for Python
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pytictoc contains a class TicToc which replicates the functionality of MATLAB's tic and toc for easily timing sections of code. Under the hood, pytictoc uses the default_timer function from Python's timeit module.

============= INSTALLATION

pytictoc can be installed and updated via conda or pip.

pip ::

pip install pytictoc pip install pytictoc --upgrade

conda ::

conda install pytictoc -c ecf conda update pytictoc -c ecf

============= USAGE =============

Basic usage: ::

from pytictoc import TicToc t = TicToc() #create instance of class

t.tic() #Start timer t.toc() #Time elapsed since t.tic() Elapsed time is 2.612231 seconds.

A string passed to the toc method changes the printed message. This can be useful to differentiate timing of different sections in the same script. ::

t.toc('Section 1 took') Section 1 took 16.494467 seconds.

An optional keyword argument restarts the timer (equivalent to t.tic()) after reporting the time elapsed. ::

t.toc(restart=True) Elapsed time is 36.986837 seconds. t.toc() Elapsed time is 2.393425 seconds.

If you want to return the time elapsed to a variable rather than printing it, use the tocvalue method. ::

spam = t.tocvalue() spam 20.156261717544602

The TicToc class can be used within a context manager as an alternative way to time a section of code. The time taken to run the code inside the with statement will be reported on exit. ::

with TicToc(): spam = [x+1 for x in range(10000)] Elapsed time is 0.002343 seconds.

Determining and setting the timer

pytictoc uses timeit.default_timer to time code. On Python 3.3 and later, this is an alias for time.perf_counter. On earlier versions of Python it is an alias for the most precise timer for a given system.

To see which function is being used: ::

import pytictoc pytictoc.default_timer

You can change the timer by simple assignment. ::

import time pytictoc.default_timer = time.clock pytictoc.default_timer