ericdmoore / basketballCoachingPractices

Im the Coach of a Girls Basketball Team
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New Drills #7

Open ericdmoore opened 1 year ago

ericdmoore commented 1 year ago

Basketball: Kramer Colts Credo.5

Relentless Encouraging Disciplined Hard Workers



Dynamic Warm Ups with Ball

Mini Games

1. Construction Site

3 pt playing area NOTE: needs many smaller cones (20ish) Builders Set Cones Up Demolishers - knock them over Vary the ratio of builder to demolision (start with 5 v 2) pause every minute or so to count the stock for score

2. GimmieFive

3 point playing area Dribble and give high fives to as many as you can in 90 minutes count your fives, beat your own record next go around Loose your, do two leg wraps

3. Pattern Dribble

All players start at half court Coach calls out a named court position All players dribble to a called out place then return to half court. Add challenges

Or Sideline to Sideline to Block

4.Red Light Green Light

Everyone with a ball Green - run Yellow - slow protect Red - jump stop L/ R and Number = Left or Right Leg + Number of Ball Wraps

5. Sleeping Giant

Scatter cones around midcourt Coach stands farther than cones (not watching) Kids line up on baseline Coach says ready, kids dribble close to steal treasure ( 1 cone at a time ) Coach turns to look, players jump stop and freeze As soon as treasure is stolen, the giant may chase tag you, on your way back to the baseline if coach tags you, I get my treasure back First player to get 3 treasure starts the game over - throw cones back to center

6. Detective Finds the Leader

pick a detective (no ball) send them to opposite free throw line quietly pick a leader for the dribblers Dribblers must follow the leader With 3 guesses and 40 seconds to watch, the Detective tries to determines leader to win Leader becomes detective or Coach picks new detective if not found

7. sharks and minnows

Playters running sideline to sideline Coach knocks away ball Loose a ball - become a shark

8. Dribble Wars

9. Space Treasure

Separate players to 3 groups (give the teams colors green, black & gold) - cone for each area top of key + Two wings Three lines ready to run to free throw center area to collect a ball from center Run, Bring a ball back to base, toss to partners, who throw it up in the air class 3 times while its in the air, and toss to remaining players. Once all players have clapped for the new ball

10. Freeze Tag

2 players it (can varry it - or divide into Teams) Count Up Frreezes for score Example UnFreeze Actions:

11. Sideline Tag

Two Teams Two Teams face a cooresponding opponet lined up all lined up faciong the center line Two Teams name themselvs, Raptors, and Bucks (for example) Coach tells a story that uses one of those words, the called team name retreats to the sideline (base) the other team pursues tagging. (( Finger tip dribbling ))

12. Snake tag

3point playing area IT vs all players with balls snake tags and those players join the snake everyone in snake can tag, IF the snake is not dead (cut apart) Snake needs to talk, and have a strategy

13. ISLAND hopping

Coned off islands Pirates in middle players with balls - spaced out between cones Tagged joins pirate. Fill your passport

14. Dribbling Through Gates

Note: 2x gates as players - gates can be just two near cones. So platyers x4 = cones needed Dribble Around through scattered gates - count the gates you cross low dribbbles help you turn fast, heads up eyes forward

15. Spelling Shooting

Split group in in two lines (teams) along the key lines Pick a word to spell. Player shoots, rebounds, and Inbounds a pass to next player from sideline First team to spell the word wins

16. Open Cone Passing

NOTE: needs cones Pair up with passing partner If you have the ball you are still, untill you pass Make a quality pass to your partner, then you must run to an open cone, that your partner was not at Look at your partner and catch a pass, repeat for 2 minutes, count your catches

17. GlobeTrotters

Cone cirlce (a few more cones than players) Call out excercises to work on as players walk the circle and perform action at each cone Call out excercises after most players have done at least 4 times. Dribble between cones Example Actions:

18. Cone Crash

Teams of 3v3 or 4v4 Play on sideline constrained area No basket - just a cone Teams are aiming for the cones for points Can do 3v3 on 1 half, and do small group 3 other side of court

19. Ducktails

3pt playing area each person gets ball & penny (acts as duck tail) Steal, and show the tails from others The more you steal the bigger target you are Reminder: only grab penny You can earn the opportunity to do burpees by fouling or grabbing clothes

20. hungry caterpillar

Teams of 3-5 (can have more than 2 teams) ball + Player sandwich caterpillar No hands Ball drops then - return to most recent checklpoint first team to cross the finish line, wins rotate players

Game Categories to Work on:

1. Ball Handling

2. Defense

3. LayUps

4. Shooting

5. Passing

Use the wall to pass to yourself Step w/ L + R foot aim for same spot on floor or wall for each type of throw


ericdmoore commented 10 months ago

After (Sometiumes During) a Game, then tell girls why we did the game.

ericdmoore commented 10 months ago

C is doing (Early) Friday Practice:

  1. Skip Loop Shooting L+R
  2. Stretch ( Each player picks a stretch 12sec hold or 6+6 per side)
  3. Space Treasure
  4. Detective
  5. (( Water Break ))
  6. Open Cone Passing (check for cone count)
  7. Spell N Shoot
  8. Conga Line - Front Player Action is Half Circle Dribbling
ericdmoore commented 9 months ago

Protect the Ball via a Box out Partner Passing Drill

ericdmoore commented 9 months ago

Starting Position: 2 offense (pass + Catch) + 2 Defense + 1 Screen

Offense x 2 reps switch roles, Switch Side and x2 Reps, then swap players