ericmend / oracleClientCore-2.0

Unofficial Oracle Client for .Net Core
MIT License
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Need support to pass params by order. #13

Open KevinBui1111 opened 6 years ago

KevinBui1111 commented 6 years ago

I found in OracleParameter.cs use API OciCalls.OCIBindByNameBytes, it mean it's not supported pass params by position. Can you upgrade library to support that. I see an API OciCalls.OCIBindByPosBytes but have no idea how to use it.

ericmend commented 6 years ago

Olá @KevinBui1111. Recomendo a você, usar o Nuget, ainda beta, da Oracle:

KevinBui1111 commented 6 years ago

Thank ericmend, I didn't found it in Nuget of Visual Studio 2017.

ericmend commented 6 years ago

Mesmo selecionando "Include Prerelease"?