ericmend / oracleClientCore-2.0

Unofficial Oracle Client for .Net Core
MIT License
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Nuget Oracle Data Provider for .NET Core Official:


Unofficial Oracle Client for NetCore

Based on projects: Mono and Oracleclientcore from LinqDan

License These files are licensed under the MIT License

*Portuguese Below.


This project is a personal work to 'workaround' the problem with Oracle DataBase and netcoreapp20 (oracle didn't certified ODP.NET Managed Driver in netcoreapp20 yet) odpnet-dotnet-core

Development/Test Environment


We did a work to run with windows/linux/macosx. Alread tested with win10 (windows) and ubuntu 17.10 (linux)

See more:

Docker image for ASP.NET Core with Oracle Client

ORM Dapper



Este projeto tem como finalidade disponibilizar uma possibiliade de uso do .NET Core usando banco de dado Oracle (até que a Oracle consiga certificar o ODP.NET, Managed Driver no Microsoft .NET Core) odpnet-dotnet-core

Ambiente de Desenvolvimento/Teste


Foi realizado um trabalho para que trabalhe em Windows/Linux/MacOsX. Testado até o momento apenas Windows (Win10) e Linux (Ubuntu 17.10).

Veja também:

Docker para ASP.NET Core com Oracle Client

ORM Dapper