ericyoondotcom / MinecraftManhunt

Minecraft Bukkit plugin to run Manhunt minigames, with Discord music integration
GNU General Public License v3.0
27 stars 7 forks source link
bukkit bukkit-plugin discord discord-bot java jda jda-bot lavaplayer minecraft minecraft-plugin spigot spigot-plugin


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Made by Eric (
Github: ericyoondotcom
Minecraft: TildeTildeTilde

Inspired by Dream on YouTube

How It Works

Three teams: Hunters, Runners, and Spectators Hunters try to kill the runners before they beat the enderdragon. Runners must beat the enderdragon before they get killed once!


Instructions For Use

Note: teams are not persistent between server sessions— if you shut down the server you'll have to re-assign teams and type /start again. Have players put their items in chests before typing /start if you're doing this, since the command clears inventories.

Discord Setup Instructions


Note: if any of the role IDs are missing or invalid, no roles will be assigned.


Permission Description Recommended level
minecraftmanhunt.hunter Allow /hunter command everyone
minecraftmanhunt.speedrunner Allow /speedrunner command everyone
minecraftmanhunt.spectator Allow /spectator command everyone
minecraftmanhunt.clearteams Allow /clearteams command operators
minecraftmanhunt.start Allow /start command operators
minecraftmanhunt.end Allow /end command operators
minecraftmanhunt.compass Allow /compass command everyone Allow /music command. Note that music commands can also be typed in Discord if processDiscordCommands in config is set to true. everyone
minecraftmanhunt.config Allow config-changing commands, such as /setheadstart. operators

Music Queues

Part of the fun of this plugin is learning what each music queue means to get a competitive advantage. Here's a list of what causes each track to play.


The intensity of the music depends on the distance between the runners and the hunters. Tracks are selected at random from the following categories:

Additionally, there is a set of tracks that play if the runners, but not the hunters, are in the Nether.

Special Events

Special tracks play when events related to the game occur. Some events are:


Advanced: Developing

Made With