erig0 / cscope_dynamic

Automatic dynamic cscope updates for Vim
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A Vim plugin that enables very fast automatic cscope database updates for C/C++
codebases. It accomplishes this by using two cscope databases; a large one, and
a small one. When a file is written it is moved to the small database, which
can update in a matter of seconds - often sub-second. The file is then removed
from the large database to avoid duplicate cscope query results. Subsequent
writes to the same file only trigger a small database update. The initial move
from the large to small database is a one time cost. This works well because
you're often only modifying a subset of files at a time.


1. Installation
1.1 vimrc changes
1.2 cscope key maps
2. Configurables
2.1 Variables
2.2 Hooks
3. Tricks 
3.1 Status Line Indicator
3.2 Re-trigger CursorHold
4. Compatibility
5. Development
6. References

1. Installation
The plugin is only one file. So you can check out the repository[1][4] and drop
cscope_dynamic.vim into your ~/.vim/plugin/ directory.

Alternatively you can grab a vimball release from the downloads
section[1][2][4].  Then install it the standard vimball way.

    $ vim .../cscope_dynamic-<ver>.vmb.gz
    :so %

1.1 vimrc changes
To init the plugin you can bind a key to the init function. If the cscope
database already exists (because you've already done init) and you re-launch
Vim then the plugin will auto initialize.

    nmap <F12> <Plug>CscopeDBInit

1.2 cscope key maps
The plugin does not provide key maps for searching the database. You should
also install cscope_maps.vim[5] from the cscope project to get the "default"
cscope key maps.

2. Configurables

2.1 Variables
There are some variables that can be set changes the behavior of

g:cscopedb_big_file          Sets the name and location of the big cscope DB.

g:cscopedb_small_file        Sets the name and location of the small cscope DB.

g:cscopedb_auto_init         If true, auto init cscope_dynamic if the DB
                             g:cscopedb_big_file already exists.

g:cscopedb_extra_files       A file with a list of files for cscope_dynamic to
                             pass to cscope. Can be used to index "out of tree"
                             source code. Or can be used with
                             g:cscopedb_auto_files = 0 if you don't want
                             cscope_dynamic to automatically find source code.
                             May also be useful if you want to pass absolute
                             path names to cscope.

g:cscopedb_src_dirs_file     This is a file with a list of directories - one per
                             line. The auto init searches source code files in
                             the directories listed. If this file does not
                             exist, the current directory will be used.

g:cscopedb_auto_files        If true, automatically find source code relative
                             to the current working directory.

g:cscopedb_resolve_links     Resolve symlinks for files passed to cscope.
                             Defaults is true. Set to 0 or false if you don't
                             want links resolved.

g:cscopedb_lock_file         Location of lock file. Lock file is used to wait
                             for cscope to finish its work before requesting
                             it to do more work.

g:cscopedb_big_min_interval  Minimal interval between big database updates.
                             Big DB updates can be expensive. This tames the
                             scenario where you may make changes to many files
                             in a short window.

2.2 Hooks
Users may define functions to get feedback from cscope_dynamic.

Cscope_dynamic_update_hook   Function called by cscope_dynamic when a database
                             update begins or ends. Useful for feedback to user.
                             See "Status Line Indicator" example.
                             Argument to function will be true if the plugin
                             has started an update. False when it is done

3. Tricks

3.1 Status Line Indicator
It is useful to have a status line indicator for when the database is updating.
Below is an example.

    let g:statusline_cscope_flag = ""
    set statusline=[%n]%<%f\ %h%m%r\ %=\
    set statusline+=%(\ [%{g:statusline_cscope_flag}]\ \ \ %)
    set statusline+=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
    function! Cscope_dynamic_update_hook(updating)
        if a:updating
            let g:statusline_cscope_flag = "C"
            let g:statusline_cscope_flag = ""
        execute "redrawstatus!"
    call Cscope_dynamic_update_hook(0)

3.2 Re-trigger CursorHold
The plugin triggers off CursorHold events to reset the cscope database. It may
be beneficial to add a trick[3] to your .vimrc to re-trigger CursorHold.

4. Compatibility
cscope_dynamic uses some shell-isms. Therefore it probably only works on *nix
machines that have a proper shell. It likely also functions under cygwin.

5. Development
Development is mirrored to both github[4] and bitbucket[1]. Pull requests are
accepted at either.

6. References