erikedin / Behavior.jl

Tool for Behavior Driven Development in Julia
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Behavior with CI #108

Closed mkschulze closed 2 years ago

mkschulze commented 2 years ago

Hi Erik,

we now managed to let Behavior.jl run in the same GitHub Action workflow, in which we also run the TypeDB Server. You can check out the workflow file here:

Now we are looking if the runspec function gives back a value as bool that we can use to throw an error and actually make the CI break after running through.

You can check out the Job run here:

Currently the CI passes regardless of the BDD result: Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-05 um 17 35 08

Bildschirmfoto 2021-09-05 um 17 36 10

So, this is just to tell the current state.

The reason why they all fail currently is clear on our side, and Frank has a solution already.

cheers & thanks for all your work to make this possible! Mark

erikedin commented 2 years ago

Hi Mark!

You should absolutely be able to check the bool return value from runspec. What I do is something like

using  Behavior
using Test
using MyPackage

@test runspec(pkdir(MyPackage))

but you don't have to use the Test package for just that assertion. You could also just use an if statement and throw an exception if that's easier.

mkschulze commented 2 years ago

Awesome! thanks again :)