erikedin / Behavior.jl

Tool for Behavior Driven Development in Julia
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bdd julia



BDD is an acronym for Behaviour Driven Development. It is a process for creating and verifying requirements, written in such a way that they can be executed as code. This package aims to be a tool for executing such requirements, and creating reports.


See docs/src/ for more detailed usage.

See docs/src/ for a step-by-step introduction to this package.

Specifications are written in the Gherkin format, such as

Feature: Making coffee

    Scenario: Making a cup of coffee
        Given that there is a cup in the coffee machine
         When the "Coffee" button is pressed
         Then the cup is filled with coffee

For each Given, When, and Then line, a corresponding method is written, which is executed when that line is reached.

using Behavior
using CoffeeMachine

hascoffee(cup::Cup) = cup[:coffee] > 0.0

@given("that there is a cup in the coffee machine") do context
    cup = Cup()
    machine = Machine()

    cupisinthemachine(machine, cup)

    context[:cup] = cup
    context[:machine] = machine

@when("the \"Coffee\" button is pressed") do context
    machine = context[:machine]

@then("the cup is filled with coffee") do context
    cup = context[:cup]
    @expect hascoffee(cup)

Feature files have extension .feature, and are stored in the features directory (see "Current state" for current limitations), and step definitions (the executable code) have the extension .jl and are stored in features/steps.

Example project

The project CoffeeMachine.jl is an example of how to use Behavior.jl.


Run the command line tool runspec.jl from the directory containing the features directory, or from the Julia REPL with

julia> using Behavior
julia> runspec()

See "Current state" for limitations.

Current state

The package is not feature complete, but is absolutely in a usable state. It is also under active development.

These are some current limitations and missing features, that will be lifted as development progresses:



Behavior.jl is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.