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TypeDBClient roadmap #44

Open mkschulze opened 3 years ago

mkschulze commented 3 years ago

Assessment for Grakn client implementation

Summary of Gherkins features

credits for this sum up go to @tk3369

The following Gherkins keywords are found at the official Cucumber site. Features supported by ExecutableSpecifications.jl are checked accordingly.

Issue references

Primary keywords

Secondary keywords

Notes: (*) Data tables is partially supported in the Examples section of scenario outline. Features required for implementing Grakn client

Background keyword

The Background feature is used extensively. It is used to run multiple Given statements before executing each scenario. Doc strings

Not to be confused with Julia doc strings. It is a multi-line string that is passed to the step's context in the text attribute. See behave's documentation.


  Scenario: write data in a schema session throws
    When connection create database: grakn
    Given connection open schema session for database: grakn
    When session opens transaction of type: write
    Then graql define
      define person sub entity;
    Then graql insert; throws exception containing "session type does not allow"
      insert $x isa person;

Data tables

Data tables are used extensively. It appears that implementation differs in language bindings. For example, the Java implementation maps to a number of data structures. In Python, the behave package simply returns an object that implements some kind of Table API.


  Scenario: for many databases, open many sessions
    When connection create databases:
      | alice   |
      | bob     |
      | charlie |
      | dylan   |
      | eve     |
      | frank   |

    When connection open sessions for databases:
      | alice   |
      | bob     |
      | charlie |
      | dylan   |
      | eve     |
      | frank   |

    Then sessions are null: false
    Then sessions are open: true
    Then sessions have databases:
      | alice   |
      | bob     |
      | charlie |
      | dylan   |
      | eve     |
      | frank   |


Comments exists throughout the Grakn feature files for documentation purpose.

# Given all answers are correct in reasoned database
# There are 3^4 possible choices for the set {$x, $y, $z1, $z2}, for a total of 81
# Given answer size in reasoned database is: 81

Out of order steps

Sometimes When is provided before Given. It seems to be backward and not a good practice to provide the trigger prior to listing the pre-conditions? Perhaps we should talk to the Grakn team to fix it on their side.


  Scenario: an abstract entity type can be defined
    When graql define
      define animal sub entity, abstract;
    Then transaction commits
    Then the integrity is validated
    Given session opens transaction of type: read
    When get answers of graql match
      match $x type animal; $x abstract;
    Then uniquely identify answer concepts
      | x            |
      | label:animal |

Interleaving When and Then's

Grakn's features definitions are long and often embedding multiple, interleaving When's and Then's. It seems to be a bad practice. However, asking them to fix is probably going to be a huge undertaking. We should probably support that regardless.

  Scenario: Relation with role players can be created and role players can be retrieved
    When $m = relation(marriage) create new instance with key(license): m
    Then relation $m is null: false
    Then relation $m has type: marriage
    Then relation(marriage) get instances contain: $m
    When $a = entity(person) create new instance with key(username): alice
    When $b = entity(person) create new instance with key(username): bob
    When relation $m add player for role(wife): $a
    When relation $m add player for role(husband): $b
    Then relation $m is null: false
    Then relation $m has type: marriage

Blank lines

Sometimes there are additional blank lines between When's and Then's in the same scenario. The python behave parser seems to be more relaxed than ExecutableSpecifications.jl at the moment.

Reference: Humans-of-Julia/GraknClient.jl#22