erikgeo / msfs_g36_project

Improvement project for the MSFS default G36.
GNU General Public License v3.0
266 stars 13 forks source link

MSFS G36 Project version 0.6.5

This is the improvement project for the MSFS default G36. It all started as a simple edit of some configuration files but it has since grown into a fully-fledged modification that improves all aspects of the default G36 and introduces new features. This was made possible with the help of the community consisting of both enthusiasts and G36 pilots (for a list of contributors, see the end of this readme).

Current version: 0.6.5


Flight dynamics/performance

Engine & Fuel system


Textures & effects





1: Download and install the Working Title NXi from the store Marketplace

2: Download and unzip the folder ‘z-bonanza-g36-improvement-project’ in your MSFS Community folder


Q: I am not seeing the engine pages in the G1000?

*A: Make sure to install the Working Title NXi (from the Marketplace). Ensure that the old G1000 Working Title mod is no longer installed, we have moved compatabilty to the NXi available from the marketplace.

**Q: The mod isn't working?***

A: This is usually due to a conflict with another mod in the community folder. The best thing is to remove all other mods and slowly add them to see what causes the conflict. Aircraft, gauge and lighting mods are the prime suspects.

Q: The engine won't start?

A: Since v0.6, the engine start is modelled. Fuel must be pumped to the engines, cold engines need to warm up and overuse of the fuel pump and throttle prior to engine start may cause it to flood. If you correctly follow the start procedures, the engine should almost always start on the first try, unless under extreme condtions.

Q: My engine quits after landing?

A: Fuel may evaporate in a hot engine at low speeds and idle throttle. This could occur on a very hot day when coming to a stop after landing. Use of the cowl flaps on approach and landing is advised under these conditions.

Q: My engine quits right away when starting on the runway?

A: This mod is designed for cold and dark starts. The sim initializes the CHT as equal to the ambient temperature. Furthermore, the amount of fuel pumped to the engine initializes as 0. Hence, the engine start/run conditions are not met and the engine will shut down. Follow the start-up procedure to restart the engine.

Q: The annunciator test button is stuck?

A: This happens when you left click outside the clickbox and then hover your mouse over the button and release. Do the same thing to resolve the problem.

Q: The AC Blower switch doesn't work?

A: Unfortunately there is something wrong with the animation. We have to wait for Asobo to fix this, but since this button was (inop.) by default don't hold your breath. If you click it, it does actually work. You can see it increases the electrical BUS1 load slightly.