erikjohnston / calendar_bot

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Calendar Reminder Matrix Bot

A Matrix bot that notifies channels based on users' calendars.


sudo -u postgres createuser --pwprompt --createdb calbot
createdb --host=localhost --username=calbot calbotdb
psql --host=localhost --username=calbot calbotdb < database.sql


cargo test


First time

Create a config file with:

cp config.sample.toml config.toml

and edit config.toml to set up your Postgres database and Matrix credentials.

Now create a user:

cargo run -- create-user myname mypassword

Every time

cargo run

Now you can access the web UI on or a different address if you provided a bind_addr in the app section of your config. You can log in using the credentials you provided to create-user above ("myname" and "mypassword").