eriqande / mega-post-bcf-exploratory-snakeflows

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Eric C. Anderson

A Snakemake Workflow to Facilitate Exploratory (and Production) Analyses from Genomic Data Contained in a VCF/BCF File

It has been my experience that once you get your VCF file, there is a lot of exploring and backtracking, and reconfiguring, and dropping of individuals, and grouping of samples, and alternative filterings, etc. that go on when working toward a final analysis. This workflow represents an ongoing project of mine to facilitate a somewhat reproducible perspective on such analytical wanderings.

At the same time, the workflow endeavors to parallelize steps that can be parallelized by doing calculations over chromosomes, or more generally, over “scaffold groups” each of which can be composed of a single chromosome, or of multiple scaffolds.

This lets you tackle analysis of fairly large VCF files on a local server in your lab, or even a laptop. However, some analyses (like PCAngsd and NgsAdmix) require that all the data be loaded into memory at once. So, for some of those steps you might need a full node. In general, these analyses can work well running on a single node with 20 to 24 cores.

Determing how data are filtered, and which analyses will ultimately be done is specified by a config.yaml file. The place to go to see an example for all the different types of analyses available here is the .test directory which has a small data set and a config file and other resources that I use to test the logic of the workflows. And also in the example-configs where I have other examples. Clearly I need to make a central example data set in which anything that is implemented has its most up-to-date example in the .test directory. Maybe I can use the con-gen-csu chinook example for that…

The configuration is set-up to accept several levels of options/parameters:

  1. Specification of which BCF file to use:

    • these are sublevels of config["bcf"]
    • their keys determine the wildcard in bcf_{bcf_id}
  2. Specification of filtering of sites in the VCF, via bcftools (bcftools_opts).

    • sublevels of config[bcftools_opts]
    • their keys determine the wildcards in filt_{bcfilt}

    These two get wrapped up into a set of main_params that describe how the VCF file is initially filtered and thinned, etc. At this point we can add a specification for thinning level, too. And also for further downstream MAF filtering (for example, analyses done by angsd that provide for MAF filtering. This combination vcf, filtering, thinning specification and additional MAF filtering is specified in the main_params block of the config, for example:

        bcf: testy
        filt: snps05
        thin_spec: "0_0"
        maf: 0.05
  3. There is an additional level of options/parameters that describe which individuals remain in the analysis. These are specified as a subset of each bcf file in the config, under sample_subsets.

  4. Finally, for whatever analysis you would like to do, the config["params"] section let’s you define different named parameter set. Different analyses require different parameters, as we will see.

Target analyses

Currently there are just a few different analyses that this does, which we list here, somewhat in order of complexity (though that is arbitrary).

Specifying targets


    - ["standard", "all", "age_cohort_4PCs"]
    - ["standard", "males", "age_cohort_4PCs"]
    - ["standard", "females", "age_cohort_4PCs"]
  beagle_gl: # this is here in case you just want to 
    - ["standard", "males", "dummy"]
    - ["standard", "all", "four_for_five"]

Example wildcarded path:

## 'results/bcf_{bcf_id}/filt_{bcfilt}/{sampsub}/thin_{thin_int}_{thin_start}/pcangsd_plain/maf_{min_maf}/{param_set}/out.args'


I am just starting to put this together. The basic idea is that when exploring NGS data that comes to you in a BCF file, there are lots of ways you might want to tweak it in the process. For example:

On top of that, once you start analyzing those data you will want to try different things:

So, these are all just the things I am thinking about as I start noodling around with a few things here.

I am thinking about a wildcarding/directory structure that looks something like this for the basic BCF maneuvers:


But, now that I think about it, I’d say the thinning factors should be part of the filtering criteria. So, instead, the basic structure would be:


My idea for these wildcards is, then:

Well, that is enough theory for now. We should probably start building some things up.

Hey! For parallelizing over genomic regions I am just going to have a single scaffold_groups.tsv file that includes both chromosomes and scaffolds. i.e. some scaffold groups might include just a single chromosome.

News Flash! The path to that file is going to be a column in the bcfs.tsv, because we might have different BCFs that are mapped to different genomes, etc. Also, there should be a column that gives the path of the indexed genome, for some ANGSD applications I do believe.

Required files

Revamping this all

I decided that it would be better to have all the filtering up front in bcftools, and then we can do thinning from there. Complete rewrite, but I think it will serve us better.


I want to make a quick workflow for running beagle-4 to phase small regions of chromosomes from specified subsets of individuals.

This is quite different from what we have done to date, since we don’t need to process the entire BCF file by scaffold. So, it will be a little separate from what we did previously, but it still seems like we have a good framework here to keep going on.

This will be developed within example-configs/rockfish-beagle-regions

We don’t really need a scaffold file for this, so I will just make a dummy there.


Wildcards in play at the moment

Test data set

We could use a decent test data set for this. I have 480-something chinook, filtered to maf 0.01 that is about 31 Gb, and has around 14 million variants in it. If we sampled at a rate of 0.0068 we would end up with about 100,000 markers, but that would still be about 210 Mb. So, let’s cut it down to 10,000 markers and around 22 Mb.

mamba create -n vcflib-1.0.3 -c bioconda vcflib
conda activate vcflib-1.0.3
module load bio/bcftools

bcftools view pass-maf-0.01.bcf | vcfrandomsample -r 0.00068 | bcftools view -Ob > /tmp/test.bcf

Ha! That is abominably slow! Granted it is streaming through the whole file to pick out less than 1 in a 1000.

So, while waiting for that, I try it a different way:

# print every 1000-th marker to a file:
 bcftools query -f '%CHROM\t%POS\n' pass-maf-0.01.bcf | awk 'NR%1000==0' > /tmp/get-these.txt
 # that should get us about 14000 markers.

# then, I will take only half of those (get us down to about 7000 markers)
awk 'NR%2==0' get-these.txt > markers.txt

# and then we can access them via the index with the -R option
bcftools view -Ob  -R /tmp/markers.txt  pass-maf-0.01.bcf  > ~/test.bcf

That got done by the time the vcflib streaming approach was still on marker 1000. OK…,let’s here it for log2N binary search of indexed BCF files.

The resulting BCF file is 19 Mb. Perhaps still too big for a real .test data set, but I can start playing with it now on my laptop, and on SEDNA.

scaff groups for it

I am going to make these from the chromosomes and scaff groups.

## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
## ✔ dplyr     1.1.4     ✔ readr     2.1.4
## ✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.1
## ✔ ggplot2   3.4.4     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
## ✔ lubridate 1.9.3     ✔ tidyr     1.3.0
## ✔ purrr     1.0.2     
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
## ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
chrom <- read_tsv("~/Documents/projects/yukon-chinookomes/chromosomes.tsv") %>%
  mutate(id = as.character(1:n(), .before = chrom)
) %>%
  rename(stop = num_bases)
sg <- read_tsv("~/Documents/projects/yukon-chinookomes/scaffold_groups.tsv") %>%
  select(id, chrom, len) %>%
  rename(stop = len)

both <- bind_rows(chrom, sg) %>%
    id2 = sprintf("scaff_grp_%04d", as.integer(factor(id, levels = unique(id))))
  ) %>%
  mutate(id = id2) %>%
  mutate(start = 1) %>%
  select(id, chrom, start, stop)

write_tsv(both, ".test/bcf/test.bcf.scaff_groups.tsv")


pcangsd environment

This is just a not here that pcangsd on github comes with environment.yaml which looks like this:

name: pcangsd
    - defaults
    - python>=3.6
    - numpy
    - scipy
    - cython

If you create that environment and then activate it and run:

git clone
cd pcangsd
python build_ext --inplace
pip3 install -e .

as directed on the github page, it installs pcangsd into the the conda environment that was created. So, we should be able to have a flag dependency for each of the rules using pcangsd that does those steps to prepare the environment, and then we should be able to use it just as we would any other snakemake rule-specific environment.

I might want to make sure it is using the same python version as the enclosing snakemake environment…