erkyrath / tworld

A choice-based shared online text environment sandbox
MIT License
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Tworld -- a choice-based shared online text environment sandbox

Tworld pre-release version 0.10. Designed by Andrew Plotkin Site:

Tworld is a text MUD engine in a new style. It runs as a web application, offering hypertext environments (hyperlink-based actions rather than a command line). Players can construct new areas in a wiki-style interface. The intent is to have a modern, easily-accessible shared world, which blends the lightweight social environment of a chat MUD with the inviting collaborative sandbox of a wiki.

Tworld is still in development. It is not finished yet! I'd be willing to call it "beta", but with a lot of lip-pursing and squinting.

The scripting language is mostly defined, but is missing large chunks of functionality.

The database schema is also mostly defined. Future changes will come with a database-upgrade script ( --upgradedb).

Python 3 (3.3 or later) MongoDB (2.4 or later) (not tested with 2.5 or 2.6) Tornado (3.1 or later) (not tested with 3.2) PyMongo (2.4 or later) Motor (0.1)

Typically you will install Python 3 and MongoDB with your package manager; on MacOS, I use Homebrew. Python comes with its own package manager, pip3; use this to install Tornado, PyMongo, and Motor.

Note: the latest version of Motor (0.1.2) specifies the not-quite-latest version of PyMongo (2.5.0). This is a nuisance. I am currently using PyMongo 2.5.2 with Motor 0.1, which seems to work with a simple Mongo configuration. Do not try this with replica sets.

At the moment, you're on your own. I will regularize and document this as the system gets closer to beta.

The overview: Tworld runs as a trio of daemon processes (mongod, tweb, and tworld). To run them, you will need a private server, or a shared compute service such as Linode or Amazon EC2. Tworld is not suitable for a shared web-hosting service; these usually forbid long-running processes such as chat and MUD apps.

Once you have installed everything, edit tworld.conf to your liking. (The admin_email entry should be a real email address.)

Make sure mongodb is running.

Run the setup script: python3 --config=tworld.conf

Then start the tworld and tweb processes, in separate shells: python3 --config=tworld.conf python3 --config=tworld.conf

Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Andrew Plotkin. Open-source under the MIT license. See the "LICENSE" file.

This package includes the following third-party software:

jQuery JavaScript Library v1.9.1 (MIT license) jQuery UI v1.10.3 (MIT license) jQuery.contextMenu version 1.7 (with modifications) (public domain) jQuery Autosize v1.17.1 (MIT license)