erosman / HTML-Internationalization

HTML Internationalization for WebExtension
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HTML Internationalization for WebExtensions

The code is modular so it can be used verbatim without any need for any change. It can be used for Options pages, Browser Action pop-ups, Page Action pop-ups, Sidebar or any other HTML document.

The Internationalization is done by adding a data-i18n attribute to the elements.


Examples (from -> to)

<p data-i18n="someText"></p>
<p data-i18n="someText">someText Message</p>`

<p data-i18n="someText"><img src="" alt=""> </p>
<p data-i18n="someText"><img src="" alt=""> someText Message</p>`

<p><span data-i18n="someText"></span></p>
<p><span data-i18n="someText">someText Message</span></p>`

Passing to a value or any other attribute:
Just add the attribute name after |

<input type="button" data-i18n="someText|value" value="">
<input type="button" data-i18n="someText|value" value="someText Message">

<a href="" data-i18n="someText|title" target="_blank"><span data-i18n="otherText"></span></a>
<a href="" data-i18n="someText|title" title="someText" target="_blank"><span data-i18n="otherText">otherText</span></a>

HTML-Internationalization ES6 Module

i18n.js is wrriten as ES6 module side-effect which simplifies its use. A process to apply internationalization to <template> tags was also added.

How to use

import the module as side-effect

import './i18n.js';

Further Development

So far, I have not come across a situation that couldn't be handled (or made to be handled) by the code. Let me know of such instances and I will update the code accordingly.