ersilia-os / eos92sw

Predicts the toxicity and synthetic availability of small molecules
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Toxicity and synthetic accessibility prediction

The eToxPred tool has been developed to predict, on one hand, the synthetic accessibility (SA) score, or how easy it is to make the molecule in the laboratory, and, on the other hand, the toxicity (Tox) score, or the probability of the molecule of being toxic to humans. The authors trained and cross-validated both predictors on a large number of datasets, and demonstrated the method usefulness in building virtual custom libraries.




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This package is licensed under a GPL-3.0 license. The model contained within this package is licensed under a GPL-3.0 license.

Notice: Ersilia grants access to these models 'as is' provided by the original authors, please refer to the original code repository and/or publication if you use the model in your research.

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The Ersilia Open Source Initiative is a Non Profit Organization (1192266) with the mission is to equip labs, universities and clinics in LMIC with AI/ML tools for infectious disease research.

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