ervinchai / VoxelSniper

The premier long-distance brush editor for Minecraft, rebooted!
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The premier long-distance brush editor for Bukkit, Spigot, Paper, and most Bukkit-based server distributions. The plugin is fully functional (according to our limited usage), and should be able to snipe most blocks. Please submit an issue if something is not working and I'll try my best to work it out.

I'm thinking of renaming the project to prevent confusion with the already existing VoxelSniper. Please suggest any in the issues section!

Minecraft Version

VoxelSniper was built against the Bukkit 1.15.2 API.


Pre-compiled JARs are available in releases. Latest release is 6.0.0.

We use Maven to handle dependencies.

Alternatively, use a Java IDE that supports Maven. Please ensure that Maven version >= 3.2.3 because Maven Central is now on HTTPS; any version older than 3.2.3 will fail to compile as it will not be able to retrieve sources from Maven Central.

Issue Tracker Notes

How do I create a ticket the right way?

Bug Report

Make sure to not tell us your story of life. We want brief descriptions of what's wrong to get directly to fixing. Also try to make the title describe briefly what's wrong and attach things like logs or screenshots to help illustrate the issue further.

Here is an example, where an imaginary brush that should create a ball, creates a cube:

Title: Brush A creates Cube instead of Ball

Expected behaviour:
Brush A should create a ball with radius 5 when I set it to brush A with brush size 5.

Experienced behaviour:
Brush A created a cube instead.

Additional Information:
CraftBukkit 1.3.2-R1.0
VoxelSniper 5.166.11
java -version output:
java version "1.7.0_07"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_07-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 23.3-b01, mixed mode)

Additional Information like what java version the server runs on would be appriciated, but is not required at all times.

Enhancement Request

This is where imagination comes in, but make sure to keep as it easy for us. As mentioned, we don't want your story of life. We want to know what you think would be a good enhancement.

Here is an example of an enhancement request.

Title: Brush that creates lines

Enhancement Proposal:
Creating a brush that creates a line.

Suggested usage:
You click two points with your arrow and it will create a line with blocks.

Reason of proposal:
It would be useful, since off angle lines are sometimes hard to make.

Keep in mind that those are guidelines. We will still look into stuff that does not follow these guidlines, but it will give you an idea what we want in a ticket and make our life easier.

Pull Requests

We do accept pull requests and enhancements from third parties. Guidelines how to submit your pull requests properly and how to format your code will come.

Some rough guidelines for now: