eryzhkov / wasp-ng

WASP Next Generation
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How to configure local development environment?

The following tools have to be installed:

Git configuration

Don't forget to set at the project level the following configuration parameters:

$ git config "<Your name>"
$ git config "<Your email>"

How to configure the application before start?

At the moment, there are no any stages where the application is supposed to be deployed. So, all sensitive information in the refers to your local environment.

It's supposed that:

All these values are defaulted and are already present in the

How to set up the database locally?

Let's suppose you have to create the database and the user. Below are commands to do that using the 'psql' utility.

$ psql -d postgres
postgres=# create user wasp encrypted password 'wasp';
postgres=# create database wasp with owner wasp;
postgres=# \q

All the needed extensions and tables will be created by the application during start up.

What about database in a docker container?

See the docker-compose.yaml in the project root. The database will be created automatically at the first start of the container.

What about Hashicorp Vault?

The application supports configuration via Hashicorp Vault service. Right now, it is supposed that Vault is running locally.

You may have the Vault installed locally. It gives a possibility to store all necessary parameters permanently. Other case is to run the Vault in Docker container (see docker/vault/vaul-docker-compose.yaml as example). Or you may just create your own container and start/stop them manually every time you need one. Anyway, the Vault in Docker-container works in the development mode. It means, all keys are store in the memory not in a file. You have to add configuration parameters every time.

The using Vault is disabled in the by default.

What about RADIUS server?

The application implements a special authentication provider to use an external RADIUS server. I have not found any simple RADIUS servers to be use specially for development. So, the corresponding functionality is disabled in the by default, and you don't need the RADIUS server for the local development.

What about time zones?

The PostgreSQL instance shall be run with the TZ=UTC time zone. By default, the docker image is already configured with the UTC time zone.

The time is stored in the database in UTC (the 'timestampz' type is used).

As for the application, they can be run in its own time zone. For the docker container it is defined in the corresponding .env-*-tz file.

When the application is run locally, the current locale is used.

How to build the application?

When the application is configured it's time to build one:

$ mvn clean package

or to skip the tests:

$ mvn clean package -Dskip.Tests

How to run the application?

Run the application locally

Before to run the application locally be sure the PostgreSQL is running and the database is created:

$ mvn spring-boot:run

Run the application in Docker

Use the docker-compose.yaml in the project root. The configuration describes all needed services and uses the .env file to configure PostgreSQL and the application with default settings.

$ mvn clean package
$ docker compose up --build

Please take a look at the .env-xyz-tz files. They define default time zones for every container.

The application is available at http://localhost:8888/wasp (by default).

The actuator is available at http://localhost:8889/actuator (by default)