A native code obfuscator written in c++23.
Available options:
-h, --help -- This message
-pdb [path] -- Set custom .pdb file location
-map [path] -- Set custom .map file location
-f [name] -- Start new function configuration
-t [name] -- Start new transform configuration
-g [name] -- Start new transform global configuration
-v [name] [value] -- Push value
obfuscator hehe.exe -f main -t TransformName -v SomeName 1337
obfuscator hehe.exe -f main -t TransformName -v SomeName 1337 -g TransformName -v SomeGlobalName 1337
obfuscator hehe.exe -f main -t TransformName -v SomeName 1337 -v SomeName0 1337 -g TransformName -v SomeGlobalName 1337
obfuscator hehe.exe -map mymap.map -pdb mypdb.pdb -f main -t TransformName -v SomeName 1337 -v SomeName0 1337 -g TransformName -v SomeGlobalName 1337
This project is designed to be used on both Linux and Windows, and on any architecture. Although you may need to update your compiler/libc++ to the latest version, as we're using some fancy C++23 features.
cmake --build build --config Release
If you are using Visual Studio on Windows, you can generate the sln project using the first command and build the project using the generated .sln file.
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
)git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
)git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
)Before reporting any bugs that could be related to code generation, please ensure that you attach the random seed used by the obfuscator. You can obtain this seed from the obfuscator logs; it is printed as the first message and looks like this:
12:11:30.150 | [ info ] random: seed is 0xcb91ccbef7cbcdc1